APR Presents the World Premiere of the Eaton TVS1740 Supercharger


ahh. Thought it was richi’s. Maybe he wanted to fantasize that it was for a day :slight_smile:

The yellowing of the carbon fibre on that intake is just like the RS4 carbon fiber shrouds and covers. It’s annoying. Wonder if anyone will ever solve that mystery.

haha nah i gave arin some shit of taking a picture of his car at SOWO but not enough to get a good look of the blower. then someone posted it on facebook so nabbed the shot and shared since arin wouldnt :stuck_out_tongue:

i think the only way to fix the yellowing would be to coat the inside. what these covers and the rs4 covers share are the fact that the back/inside are not treated or coated with anything to prevent the heat from doing its thing and yellowing it

I’m fairly certain Richi and I will be 1 and 1A from a customer standpoint…

paperish will be first I hear. Then he will go to the dragstrip. Then hell will freeze over.

LOL! I meant true customers anyway, not EC employees…

I got the order wrong there anyway

Paperish will be first

Then hell will freeze over

THEN he will go to the dragstrip


at least the temps will be favorable :wink:

The unit on my car looks like crap right now, so I haven’t taken many photos. It’s was the first one, so it has a strange casting surface based off the model and the paint is smooth. The final product will be like our other units. The throttle body spacer looks terrible, and so do the non production generic hoses.

So yeah, it looks bad right now, but I let people look at it anyways.

Here’s an example of the first R8 castings. Totally different. Looks better in my opinion.



it can look like a turd, but as long as it works and makes good power ill still buy it :wink:



who are these fgts who say ‘the hardware looks much better on the XXX kit so i would like that better’.

Your shit can look great all it wants…unless you’re parked and going 0 MPH with the hood popped it won’t matter…(unless you’re superman and can see through a 50 lb steel hood)

you should sell an “ugly” version for half price ;D


They should make a highpower ugly kit and a low power bling kit. That will really separate the idiots from the herd.

I’ll probably sell my unit for the production finished one. If you knew how much the first article cost…

Call it the “turd” special edition lol

I guess in terms of appearance, they have to think of the market beyond us forum nerds :wink:

are yuou telling us uyou have a R8… if so… fuck you…post some videos and it will be less fuck you then…

Arin is referring to his b8 s4, in Ibis White. Hands down the most popular colour for b8 a4…probably pretty popular for the s4 too.

I personally don’t own an R8. I own a B8 S4 and MK5 GTI which I gave to my Fiancée.