British MP murdered over Brexit views

Big Government is destroying our civilization.



was she really murdered for her Brexit views? I haven’t seen that anywhere.

That comment about Big Government would put you on the side of the murderer however, so that’s kind of a weird stance to take.

What is the big gov’t position on Brexit? I can see arguments on both sides.

big government wants Britain to remain in the EU. As does just about every leader of every free country on earth. And every academic, and every financial expert who gives a shit about Britain.

Boris Johnson and a few other outliers want Britain to leave the EU. As well as Donald Trump and a bunch of racist, anti-immigration groups. Basically the right wing.

It’s amazing that it has this much traction however someone smart explained this to me yesterday. Basically the people who want to leave are often the loudest shouters. They show up in the media, they show up in polls and they show up at dinner parties, loudly. The stay people tend to be more quiet. As a result it looks like a leave vote is happening…right up until the actual vote.

Think about the Quebec referendum in Canada…or the Scottish referendum last year. Basically the rabble rousers always appear to have great momentum leading into the vote, but when push comes to shove, the quiet ‘stay’ voters show up in droves on vote day and crush the uprising.

There are some small gov’t reasons for staying in the EU, I suppose. Liberalized trade and immigration policies being top among them. Unfortunately there’s a big gov’t populism sweeping through Europe and the US right now. Not good for a world economy that is at best lackluster.

After the first hand shock I received a few weeks ago, showing me just how self serving, bloated, unaccountable, and all around despicable one level of Government that I’m involved with is, I vowed to vote “Independent Candidate” in every future election I vote in, until such a time that a revolution occurs and this bloated unaccountable gravy train despicable freight train is stopped. Not in my lifetime I don’t think unfortunately.

Maybe I’ll get a new license plate that says “FRINGE”

Would you vote for Trump? He’s not indie but is as close to one without actually being independent.

I still don’t understand the crazy thread title and first post.

Every single MP in the UK is advocating remaining in the EU. You said he killed her for her Brexit views, but do you have anything to back that up?

“Eye-witnesses said he shouted “Britain first” as he attacked Cox, with witnesses described as a hunting knife and a “home-made” gun.”

However, we all know how unreliable eye-witness testimony can be so who really knows.

He also had mental health issues according to one of his brothers.

Only sense I can make of it is that the MP was a big gov’t liberal who caused her attacker to go crazy. But that would be ridiculous.

Did he target her? like did he stalk her?

If you were walking along the high street in your town and saw a member of parliament walking along, would you know who they were? I sure as heck wouldn’t. How is the mentally deranged white supremecist able to pick her out of a crowd and then kill her? weird. None of the news stories make sense/

A couple of them said he was struggling with some other guy, and then the MP intervened…then he busted out a gun and shot her twice, then kicked her a bunch of times on the ground, then shot her in the face. And at some point stabbed her? Sounds terribly patchy. Weirdly, no official outline from the police.

I know who my MP is (by name and face) and I live in a large city. I don’t see how that’s strange. Doesn’t require stalking. Furthermore, Canada and the UK have websites to find out who your MP is in about 5 seconds by entering your postal code. If you happen to strongly disagree with your MP and you’re mentally unstable, I’m sure it’s easy to figure out who they are and where they work to reach them in person. I’m not saying that’s exactly what happened but I am saying it’s certainly plausible. As for stabbing and shooting, again, plausible. One hand with a knife, one with a gun. Once they’re on the ground, adding some kicks isn’t far fetched either. Two witnesses now say he was yelling “Britain First”.

All I’m saying is that the way it’s described is certainly plausible. Whether that’s truly how it happened I don’t know.

Since government makes no money and has no real accountability its only going to be the sorce of issues not the solution to issues. most but not all issues government attempts to solve only makes it worse. its one of the most inefficient structures there is. Big government is just big waste but since most people are too stupid to actually function without someone holding there hand government seems more and more nessessary. Its a shame but as people get dumber and dumber government gets bigger and bigger.

Well said

Lol, so fucking sad but so fucking true…the amount of retards, uneducated, lazy, ignorant fucks out there today is unbelievable…

If the civilization can survive by doing nothing, getting no education, free handouts whats the motivation to do anything?

The government is enabling this…for what? votes? Silicon valley just started a sweet trial program for 50 “families” free $2000 a month for 5 years to get poverty stricken people on their feet. are you fucking kidding me ??? ??? Ok commrades…