Not so rare to see this combination


We need justin to bust some more not so rare balls

Is that your moms car? :smiley:

Nope but she actually did ask me about getting an Audi the other day so obviously that made me happy.

Avants Rule!

This is a Allstate Commercial waiting to happen…

I still laugh so hard when I see Justin’s Post “bust some NOT SO RARE balls” hahah

Pretty funny thread ;D

Hehe :slight_smile:

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

lmao, this thread is great!

You should invite Doug. I have a v8 S4 motor cover I can put on my 3.0 A4. We will tell everyone it’s the Franken A4.

Someone was looking for a motor cover. I forget who though!

Hello Doug at Frankenturbo

lolol don’t give him Ideas, he will turn around and start selling chinese 4.2 kits for the 3.0

CV… that is awesome :slight_smile:

Although, up here in the Great White North, we take it one step further with our wagons



