Congratulations. I’d keep an eye on the fuel trims, just in case one clogs. But I’d imagine from that big chunk you found down in the exhaust that the one side is fairly open. At least from the pic it looked like a pretty big piece. Although you now have the other side to worry about, if it fails, hopefully it will blow a big piece(s) down the exhaust too.
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Thank you for all tips and help Mark,
yeah i got one of the OBD Bluetooth and have the app on my phone to monitor or even log if i need
hopefully other side will not clog and when breaks throw big chunk as bank 2
The part that works (as in the photo), I found to be of make Faceuer:
Dimensions 8 x 6 x 4 cm; 90 grams
Congratulations on the fix and the good intuition.
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