well I mean the lord of the rings, the dark night, etc were long as hell but it had enough action to draw in your attention… the foreign version of the girl with the dragon tattoo was lacking action thats what I meant by slow moving.
I’m guessing the american version is a bit more dynamic, but thats 100% a guess
Fight Club is really fucking weird…but very good. You should see it. I can’t believe you haven’t. THen I remember you were like 11 when it came out…and I start to feel my own mortality set in.
The only censor really bad stuff, but they don’t censor language all the time. It’s weird, they will censor like 1 fuck out of a movie but leave the others.
I was watching Die Hard a few months ago and they left the full “yippiekiyay motherfucker”
That was painful to watch lol. He should ask her which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks. That should make for another great 5 minute video. ;D