Stage 3 B8 S4 vs. Stage 2+ B8 S4...what is the true delta?

^^ Ron you’ve been teasing this for a while now. Cannot wait to see what you have in store!

Hey all I can do is show it off. It’ll sit likely until next year.


I will lend it to anyone local if they want to have a go. Hell, I’ll even help install and remove the bumper. Not responsible for broken motors though.

If anyone’s wondering where the argument went, see:

Can’t wait to see what Jeff has in store this fall. His car is a very well oiled machine, he’s in an elite group of guys dedicated to the platform and providing tons of experimental data (he needed the DSG flash to get back LC after hitting 200 launches 8)).

He’s got lots of interesting one off mods that might all be contributing to his success (air snorkel, pcv delete, …). I know he’s mentioned driving out to NJ to run with Pete and the jockeys, which is a long fucking drive to go drag racing.

I’m sure he’ll share logs and boost performance in due time. But it goes without saying that spinning the blower as fast as Jeff is probably pushes it outside of the reliability zone for guys who only want pully/flash. So his setup might not be supported by the tuners because it requires having a CPS, lots of knowledge of how the car is performing (tons of logs and constant awareness), and maybe water/meth? Imagine if helpless idiots like hansel were running this setup. I know he doesn’t need the w/m while running on race gas, but probably does for driving around town (while running peak boost to redline). The SIMOS should be sensitive enough to dial back timing/bypass in the case of soaring IAT’s, but who really knows.

Is he keeping his car at this point? I haven’t really followed it, but I know he was trying to sell it…

No matter what, it’s a good time to be involved in this platform. After a long period of stagnation, we’re seeing some good new options with the crank pulley, E85, and the stage 3 kit all coming out around the same time. Each will present different options depending on what you’re after…

Agreed… Hopefully, he can stop at my place in route or another time and we can do some head to heads again… He knows he’s always welcome at my place!

Also, since we’re back on topic… I couldn’t hit the strip Wed. and there is an event this weekend… I’m hoping with these cool temps I can dodge the rain and do some good logging on requested boost, actual boost, and bypass… This should allow me to see how much head room I have with the current tune in regards to adding the crank pulley. Given my car doesn’t bypass boost I haven’t logged requested lately so I don’t have any real good data from the v3 tune. I think I’ll hit the limit and will get some bypass but I still think it will still be worth while and I think the tune will be ok from a timing standpoint assuming I can keep IAT’s in control.

Once I get the pulley installed I plan to then review the requested, actual and bypass to see what’s what. I’ll then do some full logs assuming to check for knock, timing, IAT’s etc. I may actually try to use the 93 program with race gas just to be safe. If everything looks good I’d make some passes…

Also, I am anxious to get this pulley on but I may test the other mod first in order to see what it does as I think it’s something more folks will do than the double pulley as I don’t see a lot of folks doing this. I feel an obligation to the folks that are helping me so I’ll discuss with them on the approach… Honestly, if this was my daily I probably wouldn’t do it w/o W/M… my .02

Conditions are pretty prime ;D

I’m bummed because I was planning to go to Lapear this weekend…oh well…I’ll be sure to get some passes within the next couple weeks once I get my car off jackstands :-\

True he does, but not everything is contributing. Of course we know about the headers, and we know his meth is basically turned off while he’s running race gas at the strip.

The other thing to remember is that jones isn’t the fastest stage 2 car. That is still the tsivas driven auditude4.2 car with a pretty modest modlist.
GIAC, pulley, TCU, APR cooling, Roc Intake, LW parts, catback (and we know the majority of the catbacks are basically for sound, not performance.

Would certainly be neat to see them head to head, same track, same day. Although our tracks (jeff runs at the same tracks I do for the most part) here are pretty quick though, so I don’t think Jones is going to get much out of driving down ti ATCO. We have great DA, tracks sit at about 500 feet, and they stay open late in the fall and open pretty early.

I think jspazz went to ATCO or something a few years back. He then ran here at Toronto Motorsports Park and ran similarly. Would be better if he chimed in. I have him on our list as 12.0 @ 115 and I think that was at ATCO in February at -1500 feet of DA or thereabouts. I personally have seen him run 12.1 in the past up here in like 0 feet of DA. Sadly I saw it through my windshield and could comfortably read his clocks when he finished 8 car lengths in front of me lol.

Not all DA’s are created equal… I’ll take a mild temp(especially with the sun out to warm the surface), with very high bp and very low humidity all day every day over cold temps, with average bp and humidity…

IMO the biggest benefit Pete’s dad’s car had was the 17inch wheels… I say Jeff’s car is clearly the fastest… for a few more weeks anyway ;D

He said he was considering a C63 S coupe, so won’t be selling at least till after winter. He’s been busy with work, but I’m sure will make some passes when the time comes.

lapeer may not qualify for our list, just FYI. I think they lost certification a while ago.

is Ubly close?

totally…my fastest times came from +200 or +300 feet of DA on sunny days. When it’s -500 or so, but cloudy and cold, I don’t seem to do as well. Traps can be great but the car just doesn’t like any part of 1st gear when its cold and cloudy.

How do you reckon on the wheels? Didn’t Pete just run it on summer wheels, and run faster than he ever has? I think he set a pump gas B8 S4 record. I will have to check and update. Although he had no seats etc. so not sure how valid we want to call that.

I think you guys are all pretty much together at the top. Does ~.03 really differentiate you guys lol? Pete/Ryan/Ron/Jeff. I’d say those are the guys all nested together at the top. At least the active ones on the forums. Any one of those cars should benefit from the larger crank pulley. APR ran a fast time on their shop DSG car too (although were not very forthcoming about conditions/mods with the weird instagram timeslip post).

Really?? Wtf? My buddy just put a whipple on his new GT and wanted to get times there. But lapeer allows hot lapping while Milan is a shit show. Ubly is not close, like 2.5 hr drive.

yeah, lapeer is great for that…it’s usually a ghost town. Good for testing and stuff.

We are trying to get Jeff to come to atco in the next few weeks. Trying to setup date and availability.

Pete’s pops car finally has the regular tune they have out. It was on beta file for all those runs we made last year.

I am starting my jockey fall track dieting as we speak :slight_smile:

btw this was fucking hilarious. i kept laughing at it this morning when i was moving the argument to the war room.

What do you weigh? Is it legit calling you the jockey? I think jones is a pretty big dude, so you may have the edge over him (or there may be a bidding war for your services)