So how many v10 motors have they melted with this setup? Scammed maybe one or two s8/s6 owners? Hopefully no more but who knows. Do your homework and place your bets on the right tuning company(ies)!
No rent, no employees, no overhead costs. Can stay in business indefinitely
Interesting to see a respectable time, hopefully it’s all legit. We will see how long it will last I guess.
Im not really sure how anyone could call this anything less than a pretty large fail. 12.3 is a shit time considering all the fake hp they said the car makes. So this track time shows just how big the lie was about the hp the kit makes and when you look at the fact that you can do basic bolt on JHM parts for a fraction of that price and go with in a few 10ths as fast. What another fail for pes. .
When you look at the fact that a JHM tuned car with light mods went 12.9 on 91 octane with full cats… and this PES fail with no cats on race gas went 12.3. If you take a JHM tuned S6 and light mods with a catback put it on 93 octane even your going to be in the 12.7 range and from there pull the cats out of the car like the PES car had and your going 12.6 or better for a car without a supercharger.
So you spend 18,000 on yet another PES fail product to be about .3 faster. To be honest I think the S6 can go 12.4 or 5 with the JHM tune and cats in with the right supporting mods. They went 12.7 with the much less powerful 4.2 V8 with only NA mods. So again for the 10,000th time PES offers little gain for tons of money basically a rip off. wrapped in a lie on how much power the car makes
^^ sums it up well I guess lol ^^
lol, How much power were they saying it has, 600,700? I’m assuming it will blow up trying to hit 11s

lol, How much power were they saying it has, 600,700? I’m assuming it will blow up trying to hit 11s
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Generally, they will say that the power it produces is the power it actually produces times 1.5.
So, it’s a safe bet that the car actually produces 500hp or so, so they probably claim that it produces 750hp ;D

Generally, they will say that the power it produces is the power it actually produces times 1.5.
So, it’s a safe bet that the car actually produces 500hp or so, so they probably claim that it produces 750hp ;D
That’s one of my biggest issues with PES well there are so many its hard to have one biggest but PES prays on the ignorant and those who don’t do any research. NEVER has any PES car ever performed well and this S8 is another in the line of BS lies and shitty performance. let me tell you why.
When you look in the range of performance the S6 and S8 are in line with the S4 4.2 When you look at the stock dyno figures the 5.2 makes stock about 290whp and the 4.2 S4 makes in the range of 270.
1/4 mile times for both cars are about the same.
4.2 1/4 mile stock is in the 14 sec to 13.8 range.
5.2 1/4 mile stock is in the 14 sec to 13.8 range.
So both cars are very close in parts and performance. Actually the cars share many of the same components.
So in theory a automatic 4.2 S4 that makes 430whp should be slower than this fake figure hp PES car right…
Guess not.
The first grey car that went 12.4 ended getting the cats removed and went 12.2 @ 114
But the white wagon weight is almost the same as the S8 and it was able to have a better power curve while running on 91 octane Vs the joke S8
Again. The positive news is JHM and this community are really pushing the NA 5.2 and I think we will see much faster times and if that’s not enough and if the S6 community really wanted a supercharger JHM still has something in the works so much better off for everyone.
Guess what I saw today…
Where the hell is that pic fro

Where the hell is that pic fro
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I was at AV Autoworx over the weekend briefly and it happened to be sitting there in the garage…
Did you get any info on the build
Nope… wasn’t anyone to ask anything specifically plus I know I would just go JHM anyway so didn’t want to waste their time lol

Nope… wasn’t anyone to ask anything specifically plus I know I would just go JHM anyway so didn’t want to waste their time lol
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All good points. and usually cars that run well don’t sit in shops for no reason. Not sure if the car was at that shop because it was broken but again not sure too many care. For those interested in bolting a hot air pump to the top of their car for 18k then maybe but for the rest not so much.
holy crap is still lives!
I still think they did a great job packaging this - who knows, with a halfway decent intercooler it might not be a complete and total heatpump…
doubt it.

holy crap is still lives!
I still think they did a great job packaging this - who knows, with a halfway decent intercooler it might not be a complete and total heatpump…
doubt it.
IT lives… or does it… it was at a shop and after the second motor who knows for how long.
Sadly enough no matter what you do PES never does its home work and this kit just like the others is a fail. Another company tried to cram this same size supercharger into a RS4 and the results were the same… dismal… Its too big of a charger so the charger takes up too much space and leaves no room for cooling. What happens is these guys cool the car down for about an hour before they show or run any results if you do that you get one good run and then the entire motor and cooling system is heat soaked. So you get one run at say 400whp then the second run is 375whp the third run is 340whp until you make less hp than stock. Its been the case with all these roots kits…
APR made a roots style kit for the RS4 (but have since abandoned the project due to issues) APR used a smaller blower but it was the same thing too hot and you just can’t cool down the charger that already makes a shit load of heat sitting on top of cylinder heads that are always giving off heat. APRs smaller blower had WAY bigger cooling abilitys so it was able to do better but power was still liminted.
Even more to this story the B8 S4 uses a roots style blower and its one of the smallest units you can use way smaller than the one PES used and those cars go 11.2@125ish when modded still using the stock blower. They have a smaller blower with more room for cooling. As a matter of fact when APR tried to put a bigger blower on the B8 S4 the car was no faster than with the smaller blower due to heat. So it all comes back to the same thing.
Its all history and math. If you have a 6.0 GM motor or a 5.4 motor with tons of engine space and cooling then sure but a smaller 5.2 motor with no room for cross flow you can see the results are no better than what a very well modded 5.2 car would be able to do.
For a more geeky read on why you would not want this kind of blower I made this write up after talking to some of the smartest and quickest people in the industry. This includes the vortech supercharger guys at SEMA. Keep in mind vortech makes lysolm superchargers as well as C fuge superchargers and even they said what everyone else said. For a low TQ high rpm car C fuge is the way to go.
Geek read
I’d almost rather have a low RPM, high torque… great read!!

I’d almost rather have a low RPM, high torque…
great read!!
Then you don’t want a turbo.
Any supercharger will give you a nice jump in tq down low but the c-fuge blowers won’t fall on there face in the mid and upper rpm.
Also the down side is the twins screw blowers get worse gas mileage for the lower tq where the C-fuge blowers don’t seem to have this issue as you don’t need to run them as hard and there isn’t the parasitic draw with the C-fuge blowers like there is with the twinscrew.