Picking up where we left off.
There is a good reason why so many have seen a great big improvement going to a custom 3" exhaust for their V10 S6 or S8
The stock exhaust on the S6 and S8 are both the same size. The S8 has better bends and no crimp points, but both exhaust systems have the same small exhaust. They are not even 2.5" The 4.2 RS4 has a bigger exhaust than the 5.2 V10 S6 and S8.
The total size for the V10 exhaust is
Yes, that’s 2 3/8’ that’s is very small when you think about the total flow of the V10.
Still, we know the S6 and S8 exhaust are undersized but what are the other differences between the two exhaust systems?
Other than having much better smoother bends with no crimps the S8 has what looks to be an X pipe. We all have seen just how much power can be gained by placing a proper X pipe in an exhaust system.
The S6 has what looks to be an H pipe.
There are two very different parts to each exhaust. The real question is are any of these performance adding add-ons functional? Next week we will cut them open and see.