Hello all,
I’m hoping someone can weigh in on this. With a slew of other issues that I will talk about in another post. My car will sit at normal operating temperatures for nearly 20 minutes during my drive and then out of nowhere my temp gauge moves to almost full hot. I shut the car off for 60 seconds and turn it back on and start driving and it’s at normal operating temperature again. However 5 minutes later it “overheats” again until I shut it off for a minute and turn it back on.
My thought are a bad coolant temp sensor lying and the car is going into some sort of safe mode. Shorter shifts ac stops blowing cold etc. then one minute of shutdown time and everything is fine again.
My other thought being that this car has an electric thermostat that maybe isn’t opening? And then opens after a minute of sitting time?
Probably your thermostat going bad and getting stuck randomly. If not, then I guess it would be a coolant temperature sensor.
I guess I’ll start with the sensor since it won’t require dumping the coolant and replacing with new and bleeding the system
you can pull it and test the resistance. EDont remeber the spec but its floating around somewhere. Test, then replace if bad.
I can look in my Bentley manual and if it has the values, I can post later this evening.
I have the resistance numbers in the Mitchell packet I got from my friend that works at a dealership. The sensor is surprisingly cheap so I think I’ll just replace it and see what happens. I was just hoping this issue sounded familiar to someone.
Make a write up if you do replace it I’m
Looking at replacing my thermostat and sensor