Hey guys! I’m new here. I’ve been looking for years. This place has been super helpful for me with my S6 for troubleshooting. I have a 2007 S6. So I just hit 100k miles on it. For the past couple of months, it’s been leaking oil all over the place and it was misfiring on 8 of the 10 cylinders. It’s bad. And it has an exhaust leak I believe is coming from the flex pipe, the first ones closer to the engine. So I pulled the intake manifold off a couple of days ago. Of course, it wasn’t the easiest in the world. But it’s off. Thankfully, no plastic bits came tumbling out of the manifold! I shook it and no rattle! So happy that none of those flaps are falling apart. So the motor is leaking like crazy on the driver’s side and the rear and front of the motor. I figure the oil filter housing is one of the culprits so I have that figure 8 gasket coming in. I also saw that the oil separator was covered in oil and the hose on the bottom of it was oozing fresh looking oil. So I have a new separator. Now on to the valve cover gasket for the driver’s side. Two of the bolts holding it down were super loose. Do you guys think that this is was caused the leak. Will tightening it help? I’ve read up on these and since I have an 07, I believe I have the old style valve covers. I can either buy a new cover with new gasket or modify a new gasket to fit my old cover. I see the difference in them and it’s minor. The new style just has gasket go around all of the #10 cylinder spark plugs and hole where old style went around about 75% of the hole. But, aside from that, there was like 2 inches of oil in all the spark plugs and holes on that side. I sucked it all out. But the souce of the oil doesn’t seem to be coming from the valve cover gasket. It seems to be coming from lower down in there. There is another joint in there and it seems to be coming from that. What joint is that? And is that a hard gasket to replace? I would assume it is probably super hard because it looks to be lower than the cams. I reason I might would have to pull the cams out to get to this level and replace that gasket down there. Am I correct? If that’s the case, I’ll just be leaking oil down in there for a while. Sounds like an engine out procedure.
Anyway, my checklist includes
- Clean intake valves/ports
- Replace oil separator
- Replace oil filter housing gasket
- Replace coil packs
- Replace spark plugs
- Replace valve cover gasket/driver’s side
Is there anything else I should be looking at or maybe replacing while I have this intake out? I want to make sure I get all this done while I have things semi easy to access. Any help would be appreciated!
BTW, the throttle bodies. When I pulled that top part of the throttle body/upper ait intake part off, I noticed that the mating surfaces on both sides of that intake where the throttle bodies go were warped to hell. Massive source of the running lean code I was getting. Anyone ever dealt with this warped throttle body mating surface? To be clear, it’s not the throttle bodies, it’s where they mount to on that upper intake manifold piece. I ended up using a flat file and filing everything down. Took me a long while because I had to make sure I had everything flat. Or flat enough. But what I ended up with is 1000% better than it was. I can guarantee there will be no air leaks there anymore. But just curious what could have caused the warping.