I did not have logging on when this happened, however, I did turn the scanner on and I was visually monitoring a few things with the accelerator held down and I could see that the Fuel Rail Pressure never went above 80PSI instead of the normal 500-1500PSI I’ve seen.
(That would have been useful information to include in the last post I suppose, but didn’t think about it until you mentioned logging : )
This is another indicator of possible HPFP to me but the sheer random intermittentness of these issues is what makes me wonder if there’s other possibilities. If one or both HPFPs were on their way out, I don’t see how it can run fine for 3 months, not start for 30 min, and then run like normal again and I cannot get it to replicate faults. It only does it when it wants to with seemingly no correlation between faults.
I now have a gauge tapped into a fuel line under the hood and I will be watching physical pressure the next few days as I drive it to see if I can see a spot a problem with fuel pressure in real time. As said before, the problem is just getting it to act up again. I will run with my app logging as well to see what I can catch but if it wont do it again soon, I’m just going have to start replacing things. Given the interment nature of this particular issue, this may just turn into an educated guessing game, which I would like to avoid if possible.
The beast just will not miss-behave when it knows I’m watching.
(Really living up to it’s ‘Naudi’ plate)