3.2 Tech discussion thread

Well with it being quite on the B6 boards as we wait for parts from JHM, it is time to start talking about the V6 again. Those V8 guys have been pretty talkative lately (not complaining ;D)

So lets gather as much tech info as we can here

The 3.2 is an FSI motor isnt it. Do you guys have carbon build up problems.

How similar is it to the 3.2’s in the newer cars like A5 and 6’s

And with a quick google search


Now there are two 3.2 threads going on :smiley: i wonder if there is a way to combine them into one. To answer your question, yes the 3.2 is an FSI motor and the engine definitely suffers from severe carbon build up. I believe that the 3.2 in the newer vehicles is the same exact motor. But i think that it revs a little higher because my b7 3.2 can only hit 6500rpm and i’ve seen s5 3.2’s hit 7000.

Copyed over because its good information

^^^^thanks Hyden

mtosofsky have you ever done a carbon clean and noticed a performace gain like the RS4 guys. Maybe the Carbonator that JHM is coming out with for the RS4 could be adapted as well

[quote] have you ever done a carbon clean and noticed a performace gain like the RS4 guys
I have not considered doing a carbon clean up of my engine yet. Based on my findings, unless im actually taking off my heads and putting in some serious elbow grease, chemical cleaners dont help all that much. Of course i could be wrong so maybe its something to consider in the future.

I have always been told to drive it like you stole it for a little while and that should take care of the carbon build up.

that works well with motors that have fuel moving over thevalves, but with the FSI motors there is no fuel touching the valves/intake ports. The only way to remove it seems to be scrubbing/aggressive chemical soaks, then keeping it away by incorparating a system to introduce fuel to the back of the valves periodically.