ADS - Pros vs Cons?

I received my 2010 Audi S6 on Monday, and of course I went straight towards checking out every feature of the car and religiously reading the owner’s manual to gain more insight on all of these gadgets. But from reviewing the manual and messing with the features and being an avid lurker for AR’s S6 C6 platform, something wasn’t adding up - no Audi Drive Select (ADS).

So I’ve been googling different phrases to get a grip on first what ADS is and if it’s an option on our S6s. Thus far I’ve found out that our cars don’t have true ADS, but the MMI can be hacked and modified to support such a feature to some capacity. Is there any cons to modifying our cars to have auto, dynamic or comfort settings? What are the benefits? Does this impact Sport mode in the transmission at all given that this “hack” isn’t the true ADS offer in C7+ models?

I’m just curious, and hopefully this isn’t a moronic question.

I also found a how-to picture guide on it for a S4 through AW forums.