Any Odbeleven users?

I just recently got it and it does a lot of really cool stuff like adaptations and long coding but the support really isn’t there yet IMO vs rosstech. Just wondering if anyone has tried it yet for us s6 guys.

I have it but I’ve only used it maybe 3 or 4 times to scan the car since I have a basic plug-in scanner that I keep in the car. I think what turned me off about it was that they charge for every code change. That and no sweeping needles option on the C6.0s…

Ive seen a few people with ob 11 but over all it does fall short of ross tech. Unless ross tech really jacks up prices I think its hard to compete.

ob11 is nice but its just expensive enough that you don’t get enough and IMHO you might as well just spend the few extra dollars and get the ross tech.

I’m using Carista for the light duty stuff. It’s similar to OBDEleven, except the device is $30 (and works with DashCommand), and the software is subscription based at $30/year.

Does all the basic stuff; enables hidden menu, reads/resets codes, enables various option codes, but is DEFINATELY not a replacement for RossTech VAG-com. Will not read logs and freeze frames. (DashCommand might though, not sure - I’m still trying to find the correct PID for a C6 lol)

I just bought an OBDLink LX for use with RaceChronoPro App so I’ll let you guys know how that goes.

I’ve been using OBDEleven now for about a year. When you buy the “pro” version, you get a number of credits for automatic feature coding, however I have rarely used the paid coding. You can manually code the same way you do with VCDS, although VCDS has more depth and years of online support. That being said, I’ve used the same tutorials and procedures with OBDEleven successfully.

Now that there is a less expensive Ross-Tech cable with limited VIN’s, the price difference has certainly shrunk, however I have found the OBDEleven single and Android solution to be a good fit for me.