Cool thanks. I was thinking of plastidipping the rings
Anyone have any thoughts on the rear rs4 logo?
There’s some black ones on eBay but they’re too small.
Cool thanks. I was thinking of plastidipping the rings
Anyone have any thoughts on the rear rs4 logo?
There’s some black ones on eBay but they’re too small.
Lol… Do the same with the logo. Sorry for the shitty photo, it rained today and it’s dark now obviously. I can wipe it off and retake tomorrow in light if you want. But I just sprayed it on nice and thick like I did with the rings. That made peeling back the red part easy. The hardest part was getting inside the 3 overlaps on the rings. I used a small pairing knife to peel it back from the corner at which point I could get under it and pull it out. Blade up obviously
I would be removing the rings then spraying them while they’re ‘floating’ so the gaps are a non-issue
the RS4 logo…how do you get it off the little red part without ruining it? how many coats?
Looks great!
I went with 4 coats. There’s a border between the chrome and the red. Just use your finger nail to peel it back. It tears right where it needs to.