AR A6/S6 Texas Meetup?

Seems like we have lots of members here in TX. I’ve been meaning to start this thread for a while (mostly waiting on getting my S6 running again. Almost there… :-X ::slight_smile: ;D ;D).

Anyway, I wanted to get this going and see if there would be a good place/time. I’m planning on running the Texas Mile in Victoria at the end of March for what it’s worth. Would be fun to meet other owners there!

checks the work calendar in March to put in PTO

Haha, it would be fun! No tracking YET for me though… I can’t afford the wear n tear. Maybe I’ll just be THAT guy who revs his car all day in the parking lot. :smiley:

I’d be interested in going, but that’s quite a hike from OKC… Dallas would be ideal for me, but I’m travelling constantly and likely have at least 4 new leaks in the S6 from sitting. LOL