Audi 1/4 mile list ... weight reduction classification needed?

I dont agree with stripping the parts off jhm or other wise…they did it right with the rs6r turbos im nkt a big fan of the ko4 time.

Nitrous is a full time mode…the fuel in your tank will run out after enough pulls as well…

Yeah nitrous is fully legit to me. I just don’t get why people are so fucking secretive about it. People are always hiding it and lying and shit. It’s kind of funny. It’s like there is shame around nitrous.

No shame in being fast!

The jhm b6 nitrous kit is pretty cool. Can’t wait for it to be loaded on a built motor s4.

Itw stright ligit. Where it becomes some what of an imbaresment is when peole use it to make up for how little power they are makjng withouf it or when peolle blow up there motor with it

stop typing like a dip shit!

hey Im drink by noon whats your excuse

I don’t need an excuse! don’t you have a rs4 if my memory serves me right? Come line that slow bitch up!