Audi 1/4 mile list ... weight reduction classification needed?

This seems like a nother great debate. Weight reduction and your track times.

If your 5.9" on yiur own bare feet and 6" with cowboy boots your not really 6" tall. You can be if you ware boots but your not really… same for cars if yiur car runs 11.6 in street trim and 11.2 with no seats head light removed race only rims race gas no cat back exhaust thats not really how fast it is…its more like how fast the csr can be.

The strip your car down seems to be more of a b5 thing then anything else in the audi community. Seems to me lots of what makes for an impressve run on the b5 car dont equal how most ppeole drive that same car on the street. So whats the point in thinking most of these cars are fast when in fact they need 1/2 the interior removed other parts off the car and race gas…when there sre some real star times for people who go out with full interior no race seats gutted doors bla bla bla

I think we should start putting a # next to the times where a serious part removal has been done. Race gas seems to be the needed ingredient for b5 and the b8 cars to make an impressive run. I dont think thats a true representantion of how fast the car is for every day more so how the car is when its race ready.

I think we should start adding the # those who do it real school should be cheered for not over looked for the achevement due to someone else looking fastsr when they really wernt

Reading the fine print on the mods shouldnt be something we shoudl have to do.

I think we shoudl add some guide lines on this… we talk about it we bring it up its am issue but what ebout the people who dont know the inside scoop.

If it were me. I think we jeed to identify the cars where people removed parts from there cars at the track to go fast… there is a big difference between a street car going 10s amd a stripped race car…

On the gm boards and lists we do this…

I concur…

I think a great pass is a great pass, but that certain advantages should be made clear. I think a lot of guys use the 1/4 mile database as a standard to compare and may become discouraged if they see a car running half a second faster with the same mod list but are really blind to the fact that the car weighed 500lbs less than theirs.

Actually I already make a note about weight reduction in the list so it’s already done. I agree that it’s a key thing to note. I don’t think it invalidates a time however. Just different, just as race gas or meth or bigger turbos are different.

It’s noted in the last column (weight reduction) .


all you need is carbon hood aluminum uprights light wheels and rotors 10lbs battery remove charcoal canister. and light weight recaros… and your car is light enough… A sunroof delete helps aswell I might do that!

Try getting a tune first before you go filing in the roof.

I have a vast tune LOL my car has been tuned for 3 years

You mean these guys:

^^^ closed down and mired in lawsuits already.

I just laughed out loud while in my office. I should call it a day.

Saki I should have known better my bad … You know I cought the weifhg reducfion on a few of the times before jist guess I really dont look too hard at the mod list so mych as the times.

Still maybe add a * next to the times in the time box… only whwre parts were removed fr9m the car to acheve the time. I guuess maybe bring just a lottle more attention to the times with weight reduction where the car clearly Iisnt in street trim…even with the mods list I think the fine print can easily be over looked by the more impressive time.

Im looking at it like this. The 10secs4 and the eurocode car both went 10s…so did jhm what one really is more impressive. .unless you read the fine print the car that was not even a csr anymore looks the best. I know its a badge of pride on the ls board to have a full interior run at quick glajce the times on the 1/4 mile list dont tell the entire story unless you look further. That * or what ever would stand as a little strike againsed ot having the csr in full trim…just my thoughts…the list is very c9mplete so maybe its not needed or maybe it can be a good guide fo add

I agree that the weight of the car is a critical parameter and affects the performance the car. As such, I also agree that weight should definitely be noted (where such information is available for the run). I don’t necessarily agree that an asterisk or anything should be put next to the car as some sort of an attempt at a demerit. That’d be like putting an asterisk next to a car running NOS (or whatever other analogous performance mod). I don’t see one car mod as inherently ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than an other, and I definitely wouldn’t want to push what my personal preferences are onto the others who would view the list. For example, I’m not the biggest fan of meth (and people saying they are running ‘pump gas’ when quoting times that were run on meth), but I wouldn’t want an asterisk put next to cars running meth. I would definitely wanted it noted in the mod list though.

Also (this is speaking ideally, as I know people don’t always have all of this info handy), regarding how to classify the ‘weight reduction’ in the mod list, I think ideally it would simply have the car’s actual weight at the time of running, rather than ‘200 lbs weight reduction’ (for example), as not all people are using the same ‘base weight’ to subtract that number from (and not all people accurately know exactly how much each part that they removed weighs). IMO, the ideal way to have it listed (again, this may not be realistic as people may not have really ever weighed their cars) would be to possibly add a ‘weight’ column, like the octane etc.

Don’t jump down my throat and go on a JHM tangent with me asking this question, as there’s no malicious intent here; does anyone know if Jaybquick has weighed his car in record setting car trim? If so, does anyone know what the actual weight was (as in the weight in lbs, not ‘full interior’ or ‘x amount of weight reduction’)? I know ‘full interior’ (including baby Recaro and whatever), but different wheels/brakes weigh different amounts, different exhausts weigh differently, if it has no A/C, that affects the weight, if the spare, tools and trunk carpets were taken out, that can affect it even with ‘full interior’, etc, etc.
Did it weigh 3600lbs? 3750? 3850?
I’m not saying (nor implying) that his car is slow and only put down those times because of anything to do with the weight, and am not trying to put down his car or runs. I am genuinely curious about what the actual weight of the car is/was when it made those record K04 and RS6 passes.

The jhm car defibitely had a bunch of lightweight parts as do most of their cars. However it’s lightweight parts that is the key. They develop lightweight parts to help the cars accelerate. Rotors, flywheel, crank pulleys, exhaust, battery kit. Notice too that most of those are rotating weight, far more effective on a pound for pound basis than taking your bumper off (guruman) or removing the majority of the interior of the car including half of the wiring harness (10seconds4)

So to me the weight reduction I don’t agree with is removing shit just to be lighter and especially when it’s only at the track, then you put it back on later. Deleting your air con or headlight washers etc…that’s where it starts to get extreme in my view. All the power to you, but the car is less and less of an s4 or whatever.

Jhm removed their catback when they went 11.1@130 at new years in 2007. That seemed to kind of annoy Jason, and he decided he wouldn’t do that again as it sort of cheapened the time. He went out of his way to post a manifesto of what he felt was fair and how he would run his car (full interior, ac, exhaust etc) , and ripping off parts was not on the list.

As for weighing cars it would be nice but not so reliable. Besides I am 6’5" 245 and I picture jibber jive about 5’5" 135. That gap is the equivalent of two equal sized drivers and one pulling the front passenger seat and putting a lightweight battery in. Does that need to be noted too?

Bottom line is if you do ricer shit, it gets noted. If you have lw parts, it too gets noted.

Having actual weights in the notes would be much better, as some have said, it doesn’t take much to pull into a truck stop at some point and note the fuel level to get a rough baseline weight. A fully optioned DSG car including ADS is pretty much as porky as it gets, I’ll never be under 4000. It’s actually heavier than my M5 and the allroad.

Driver weights are noted on the AZ list and are definitely handy…heights aren’t required even though they always seem to get mentioned…

Pretty big guy to have such a little-man complex.

Any idea on what the actual weight was on the JHM record breaking passes?

Weighing your car is simple, just go to the local scrap yard and drive onto the scale… however, I assume their scales would only need to be precise and not necessarily accurate…

^^^its hard enough to get people to go to the dragstrip lol.

The way I see weights, if you’re cutting weight, you’re going to tell people what you cut. If it’s via lightweight rotating mass, vs pulling out your rear seat, it’s likely far more effective to the rotating mass guy. The overall weight of the 2 cars might be dead even though.

The actual weight of the car to me is almost supernumerary. I want to know what mods the car has, so that I can evaluate what the weight shaving parts are. Also getting a globally standardised scale system…good luck. I might go to the ministry scale on the highway. You might go to a truck stop. Third guy might go to a scrap yard. Fourth guy might go to the scale at the track. Are we going to blindly trust the information?

As I mentioned above, if you’re cutting weight you will share and be honest. If you’re pulling shit out to be quicker and set a record but not disclosing the fact, are you really going to be honest with the scale reading? Do we need video of the car on the scale? Who knows how the car was at the strip?

I think worrying too much about weight is a waste of time. It’s noted on the list if someone pulled seats, had a LWFW, had LW Wheels, etc. That’s good info.

The scale measuremsnts would be nice but I agree with saki its completely impracticle to assume people are going to do thst… more likely would be people guessijg st the weight thdn actually weighing the car.

The argument that nitrous is in the same relm as pulling out your seats I dissigree with. If your csr has nitrois on it that is a 100% mod that is on the csr all the time.

So maybe not so much for weight but maybe a mark if someone modifyed there csr outside of the general every day driving…case in point if you pull the seats catback etc your car isnt that way and that isnt a pure representation of the car in any case zenairo. That is assencully cheating as your car really isnt that fast…mldifying the car outisde the range of how you drivd it everyday isnt a honest representation of the car or its time

I can’t believe you just assencully (sic) called Jhm cheaters on their 11.1 runs. Hardly cheating and more shop bashing, not cool chrisk!

BTW, nitrous isn’t a 100% mod due to the small issue of it running out after no time doing wot pulls.

How did he say jhm was cheating? Because they took the catback off? I don’t think it is cheating… I just don’t think it makes sense.

I don’t think its cheating either, but Chris just said he does.