Step six: Clamp the the siliconed Q7 and universal caps together, making sure that the circular joined edge is “even” all the way around. This edge is the edge that I am pointing to using the “pick tool” in the second photo. I used a couple of wood scraps against the jaws of the vise, and then two rolls of electric tape for the actual contact points on each cap. A partial roll of electric tape placed inside the back of the universal cap gives a circular and even pressure all the way around the back of the universal cap. A roll of tape on the face of the Q7 cap gives a small circular hole (in the middle of the roll) for the rounded face of the Q7 cap to make contact with, and, a roll of tape won’t scratch the front of the Q7 cap. I put the piece of paper that came with the tape in between the roll of tape and the face of the Q7 cap, to avoid any sticky mess on the Q7 face when un-clamping.
The silicone packaging says that “surfaces may need clamping for up to one hour or until silicone is firm”. It also says “allow 24 hours for full cure and maximum strength”, so I left each cap clamped for 24hr.