I’ve been looking at styling options for my B6.
I love the Votex kit, and I wouldn’t trade it for the more common USP kit. I was a bit hesitant and undecided about going the B7 RS4 route, as besides preferring the B6 front and rear to the B7, I want to retain the Votex kit. Oddly enough, a comment Old Guy made a while back, about losing the join between the Votex front and rear aprons and the bumpers, kind of decided things for me.
It’s a big undertaking, making the front and rear bumpers one piece, a lot more complex task than doing the same on stock B6 bumpers. As the Votex kit is an underlay, meaning the lower section / valence of the original bumper will need to be cut away, to allow for a flush and seamless plastic welding, and smoothing of the Votex apron. The only concession to modifying the Votex rear apron, will be the exhaust tailpipe cutouts. They’ll be reworked, to accept larger oval tails, but retaining the Votex design.
I was at my local Volkswagen / Audi Trade Outlet, and after casually enquiringly about B7 RS4 parts, I was surprised at how low the prices had dropped. I intend to go with the B7 RS4 bodywork, without losing the very essence of the B6 and Votex front and rear, albeit blended into the original bumpers, and the lowers widened to mate to the B7 RS4 arches. These are being “frenched” into the B6 rear quarter panels, below the swage line, retaining the B6 fuel filler flap. The rear doors will be reworked, to match the B7 RS4 flares. The B7 rear quarters will be fitted from the original B6 spot welds in the door shuts. The B7 RS4 front fenders will be cut up similarly, with the B6 fenders cut in the same areas, to accept the B7 RS4 bulges, starting from the trailing edge, by the front doors, again, below the B6 swage lines, to the lower leading edge, by the bumper.
I’m in the middle of a move, so it’ll be after settling in my new location.