B6 to B7 rear brake swap DIY

So I got all my stuff ready to do my swap and figured I’d write a DIY since theres various ones floating around and have some unneeded steps and such.

Step 1 Aquire parts, vehicle and a place to work.




The Car:


The Garage:


For the swap you need B7 calipers, carriers, dust shields, pads and rotors, I bought used calipers and shields from a local wrecker and new centric pads and rotors from rockauto, the swap cost me $200cdn. In regards to my previous question on here the B6 dust shields are waaay too small, you need the proper B7 parts. Stock B6 rotors are 245 or 255 mm, B7 are 288 mm



If you have a car thats been exposed to salt, before you start any project make sure you can loosen the hardlines on the brake hose, I got lucky and only needed vise grips for on side since I am swapping to SS lines too. Crack the line loose and tighten it back up so it does not leak, we’ll come back to it. Using a flat screwdriver remove the e brake cable retaining clip and ball end from the caliper. Using a 13mm wrench and 15mm wrench to hold the slide pins remove the caliper bolts and take the caliper and pads off, leave the caliper hanging since you’re changing the hose anyways (If you are not changing the hose you don’t have to crack the hardline on the body loose and ziptie the caliper up out of the way) Unless you have a stubby 8mm hex you are going to have to remove the lower shock mounting bolt and move the shock out of the way to get the carrier off, once you do that remove the rotor and dust shield and swap on your B7 stuff and hook up the e brake. It should look like this:


Now you can install the new brake hose or swap it over from the old caliper and bleed the brakes. Then put the tires on, start the car and take it for a drive.

Great mod looks like not too much fuss.

this is a simple bolt on, no modifications at all and it evens out my braking since I have B6 S4 brakes up front.

Do you have before and after pictures on the car.

I swear I took some before pictures of the rear brakes but they aren’t on my phone. I only have the b7 brakes on the car and the comparison of the rear rotors.