So I called and ordered rear calipers/carriers/dust sheilds from a 07 a4 to swap to my 02 and prepaid, the guy at the wrecker called and started telling me the shields were bent and that the weren’t usable, I told him to include them anyways since I paid and would bent them back, he then called back saying they don’t want to spend too much time on it since the bolts strip yadda yadda. So now I have calipers/carriers and no dust shields and they are $80 ea new and I don’t really want to spend that much on some pieces of stamped metal.
sorry for the rant, I’m a little choked they won’t even take the time to pull the damn dust shields off, at this rate they’ll probably just have the calipers and tell me they stripped the 8mm hex bolts on the carrier and can’t get them off. So can I re use my dust shields? It looks like it will be close but I would like to know before I rip the car apart to install everything. these are the solid 288mm b7 a4 rear brakes. I checked the p/n for b6 245 and 255mm rear rotors and those share the same dust shields.