B8 S4 3.0T performance expectations thread.
I suggested over the past few months that we start a performance expectations thread. This way if you buy a new or new used B8 3.0t and decide to modify the car, you can have some idea on what your expected performance should be per your mods.
I think the best thing to do here is to keep with the two biggest companies and their results for the averages. Those will be the results from APR and the AWE - GIAC cars. Both APR and AWE have had tunes out for the longest and have had the biggest amount of safe success
Right now we have:
Stage 1: Stage 1 starts with as little as just a tune and can grow to as large as; a tune, intake and exhaust.
Stage 2: Stage 2 starts with as little as a tune and a smaller pulley and grows from there.
The configurations are:
2013+ cars have some differences that would effect performance.
2013+ differences:
The biggest differences come from the transmissions having different gear ratios and that after 2012, the shifting RPM’s on the B8 S4s dropped from shifting at 7000rpm in all gears to now shifting at 5800rpm from 1st to 2nd and then shifting at ~6300rpm from 2nd to 3rd and from 3rd to 4th and so on.
While the finial gear ratio is the same, the independent ratio per gear is different. This is also just in the DSG configuration. The manual cars are exactly the same from 2010 till current.
1 - 3.692: 1
2 - 2.238: 1
3 - 1.559: 1
4 - 1.175: 1
5 - 0.915: 1
6 - 0.745: 1
7 - 0.617: 1
R - 2.944: 1
Final Drive - 3.875: 1
B8.5 DSG
1 - 3.692: 1
2 - 2.150: 1
3 - 1.406: 1
4 - 1.025: 1
5 - 0.787: 1
6 - 0.625: 1
7 - 0.519: 1
R - 2.944: 1
Final Drive - 3.875: 1
B8 S4 3.0T performance expectations thread.
I suggested over the past few months that we start a performance expectations thread. This way if you buy a new or new used B8 3.0t and decide to modify the car, you can have some idea on what your expected performance should be per your mods.
I think the best thing to do here is to keep with the two biggest companies and their results for the averages. Those will be the results from APR and the AWE - GIAC cars. Both APR and AWE have had tunes out for the longest and have had the biggest amount of safe success
Right now we have:
Stage 1: Stage 1 starts with as little as just a tune and can grow to as large as; a tune, intake and exhaust.
Stage 2: Stage 2 starts with as little as a tune and a smaller pulley and grows from there.
The configurations are
2013+ cars seem to have some differences that would effect performance.
The averages will be for 2010-2012
DSG 13.0@106 - 13.5@105
Manual 12.8@108 - 13.4@106
Stage 1:
DSG Pump: 12.6@112 - 12.7@110
Manual Pump: 12.5@111- 12.7@111
Stage 2:
DSG Race: 11.61@118 - 11.9@116
Manual Race: 11.8@117 - 12.1@115
DSG Pump 11.93@116 - 12.4@111
Manual Pump 12.1@114 - 12.5@110
DSG 13.6@101 - 13.3@103
Manual 13.2@104 - 13.5@102
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
What do you guys think? Should there be more added?