Brake boost

Last night I was playing some roll races… well the zo6 c6 have a tremendous response ,even more when they are modded( of course I got my ass handed pretty hard 8) boosting only 12lbs , no more excuses) , I was trying to brake boost in this car without much success ,was only getting 7-8lbs in 2gear at 40 mph ( we usually roll from 40 mph) So I start to think if the ECU gurus can do some type configuration to the ecu to emulate what for ex launch control do… (I know there is a little box that do that called wotbox)??
Well surfing in the GTR forums ::slight_smile: I found a very interesting device that do brakeboost via remote control, very nice little thing by the way .
Here its the little box

pd; I did beat a e92 6speed manual m3… :smiley: So I was not the slowest…but not by much.


Code changes have to be made to enable left foot braking as its called. Otherwise your car closes the throttle for a sort of soft limp mode.

If you have a custom tuner working with you they can enable this, it is three variables in the M-box code located at:

0x109D3 NWPMBBR - Minimum RPM for acc pedal value lockout on brake operation. stock value is 1200 rpms, I put it to 10,200rpm

0x109EB VWPMBBR - Minimum speed for acc pedal value lockout on brake operation. stock value is 3.75 kmh, I put it to 210kmh so at high speeds you cant do it and melt brakes, because in most of our cars we can.

0x109DC TWPMBBR - Delay time for acc pedal value lockout on brake operation. stock value is 2 seconds, I max it to 2.55 just because.

If you can suck your file out you can also do it yourself.

very nice Snow trooper
I will do this when the new ecu arrive.

I just want it to ad that its pocible to do it without probs but its not boosting enough .

ive noticed if i let of the gas then 3 sec later hold the brake wait a sec then apply the gas i can brake boost!

same here

Adam who showed you that?

last night I did it … 2 gear roll 15 lbs… it s like night and day , I put aprox 2 cars right away to the m3 and almost half car to the z06 8)
now wait for the new tune…

Yeah it works well. And s6atron i showed my self that

brake boost is enabled in your new file :slight_smile:

So as I understnad it. this isn’t something you need turned on in the tune you just need to know how to do it.

no, it has to be turned on, chances are people pulling off this 3 second trick have something in their code allowing or causing it. motronic is a big backwards complicated beast.