C6 S6 - JHM overhaul

This is something that I think we will all ben.efit from from, not just me, so I think the excitement is justified :wink:

By the time I get it back, I wonder if I’ll still remember how it used to drive, to give a good comparison of before and after. After driving this borrowed Scion for a while, I think almost any car will feel like a rocket. I do know that my car was leaving a LOT of performance on the table though. Who knows when the last full service was before I bought it, if there even was one, plus I put another 25k miles on top of that. If nothing else, it was most definitely long overdue for a carbon cleaning, transmission flush, and we know the coil packs were not up to par.

Wish I had a chance to run a 1/4 mile with it before taking it in, but it just didn’t seem like a smart idea with the condition the car was in. I’ll definitely try to head to a track day some time after I get it back, maybe once the weather has cooled down a bit. For what it’s worth (not much, I know), it “felt” like about a 14-second car when the transmission felt like behaving. Sometimes the tranny bogged down so much in 1st gear though that it was probably more like a 14.5. Anyone else ever noticed that? How sometimes launching from a stop was neck-snapping fast, and other times it’s underwhelming, often for no apparent reason? Wonder why that is.

I think this project provides provides a good compare/contrast to CV’s S8 project, because he is taking care of things one by one and testing the results in between to figure out what gains each item actually makes, whereas I’m having it pretty much all done at one time so we can see what happens when you go straight from an under-maintained stock car to a fully maintained modified car.

I’m guessing each item, by itself, probably only makes only a slightly noticeable difference, but when combined it will be like a completely different car.

Weird, every time I type the word “bene_fit” on AR, it changes it to “beit”. Seems to be filtering the letters “n, e, f” when typed in that order, even if it’s in the middle of a word. Is “NE.F” some vulgar acronym I’m unaware of?

Welcome to AR :slight_smile: haha and yes it will drive completely different, even wth just maint and from what I hear the tune will be a game changer :slight_smile:

Alex did a good post on Instragram but I am on vacation and JHM is the only shop that I trust to change the engine oil and filter along with the supercharger oil so I took it out to them. Thanks man!

David at JHM recommended a car wash place about ten minutes away from the shop and they did a great hand wash.


Your car was in pieces but that isn’t a bad thing. It is on its way to being a much better state and becoming a monster.

Certain words get changed on AR. It is because God doesn’t like certain sites/places/etc.

Not to thread jack, but Jimmy your car looked fantastic after that wash!

N, E, F is in reference to ne fmo to forum, which is pretty hated around these parts.

Ah, ok. Never even heard of it, I don’t venture much outside the walls of the AR A6/S6 forum, not much point when all the smart people are in here :slight_smile:

I missed this post before. Doing great. It was nice to meet you too.

You are not missing much to be honest.

Exactly. This is so important. There is always a formula for each car. The performance formula is something you guys are just creating. The 4.2 S4 had no formula about 8 years ago. People gave up on the cars said they were just never going to be fast. Then enter JHM part after part made a difference. Each part played a roll in making the car faster and better. When you add in all the parts

JHM tune
JHM intake spacers
JHM Crank pulley Etc etc the cars would just get better and better. Until you have a nice 12 second car. I think the real goal is to get these V10 cars into the 12s all motor. I think with the right parts and support your going to get from JHM I think its possible

The facts are these cars with zero maintanence are all close to 14 second cars. I think the before isnt as important as the after. At this point we have a good pool of before they are all in the same range. The only difference is your in california and 91 octane gas is shit. So your going to be in the 14 range more than your going to be in the 13 range.

Ya, it sucks not being able to get higher than 91. My bosses drive AMG Mercedes cars, and have the same issue where their cars really want 93 octane gas but they can’t get it. So we’ve been in talks with a local cardlock gas station that has higher grade fuels available, trying to get an account set up with them, but it’s difficult since we don’t technically have a “fleet”, we just have a handful of personal cars. Hopefully we’re able to swing something. Is there any ben.efit to running octane booster? I’ve heard that it doesn’t really help - something about how it reduces knocks at the cost of pulling energy out of the fuel. Not to mention it would probably take 6 bottles of it in our huge gas tanks to really make any difference.

On another note…

JHM has added a bunch of new S6 parts to their website in the last few days, as a result of my car needing them :slight_smile: Check it out! One notable thing, is they’ve got the vent hoses up there that my car needed, which are apparently what was causing the Bank 1 & 2 lean mixture codes and a rough cold idle. They’ve got plastic connectors, which I suspect become brittle with age, like many of the other plastic engine bay parts in VAG cars. At the price, I’m not sure if I’d recommend swapping them out if you don’t need to, but it’s definitely an item that should be looked at if you’re getting lean mixture codes and/or rough idle.

Just mix pump 100 with pump 91!

Yeah, lots of parts hitting the website and much more to come soon!

Does that really work?? Sounds too easy! I’ve heard there’s a 76 station nearby that has 100 octane unleaded at the pump, I’m in NY right now but I’ll check it out next week. Is there much ben.efit to doing a 50/50 mix in these cars? Seems like it’s a hotly contested issue that not many people can agree on, and I’d hate to be “experimenting” with fuel mixtures, I like to play things on the safe side whenever possible.

No issue mixing 100 with 91 Cali piss, might end up somewhere around 93 :wink:

The good news is AR is full of real car guys and your going to get the real scoop here. If your getting the JHM tune then yes you will see more power mixing your gas. The stock tune might give you a little more power mixing gas but the stock tune wont give up too much more power.

Here is a good read

California 91 is known for being the shittiest gas there is. cally 91 is about the same or worse then our 89 out here. You guys have so many additives in the fuel to keep the tree hugging clan happy that the fuel is just crap.

You only realize just how bad it is until you actually drive across the country and are used to east cost 93 and get westcoast 91. Its shit gas

It absolutely does! Yeah 76 stations typically have higher octane pumps available. You could run straight 100 pump and not hurt anything, so don’t worry about your mixture.

I will note that you will need more 100 than you think to make 91 93

Wow, I had no idea that thread existed, thanks for digging that up! Read the whole thing and learned quite a lot!

Great to hear, thanks!

Yes there are a lot of good threads on here Id say thats one of them.

If you do decide to mix your gas that thread also has the mixture calculation to help you figure out where your at octane wise. Thats very helpful.

JHM has been kicking ass with my car, they just reported that it’s basically done already, and now they’ve moved up to the tuning step. These guys rock.


Nice can’t wait to hear your feedback after your first drive, plus a video or two.