This is something that I think we will all ben.efit from from, not just me, so I think the excitement is justified
By the time I get it back, I wonder if I’ll still remember how it used to drive, to give a good comparison of before and after. After driving this borrowed Scion for a while, I think almost any car will feel like a rocket. I do know that my car was leaving a LOT of performance on the table though. Who knows when the last full service was before I bought it, if there even was one, plus I put another 25k miles on top of that. If nothing else, it was most definitely long overdue for a carbon cleaning, transmission flush, and we know the coil packs were not up to par.
Wish I had a chance to run a 1/4 mile with it before taking it in, but it just didn’t seem like a smart idea with the condition the car was in. I’ll definitely try to head to a track day some time after I get it back, maybe once the weather has cooled down a bit. For what it’s worth (not much, I know), it “felt” like about a 14-second car when the transmission felt like behaving. Sometimes the tranny bogged down so much in 1st gear though that it was probably more like a 14.5. Anyone else ever noticed that? How sometimes launching from a stop was neck-snapping fast, and other times it’s underwhelming, often for no apparent reason? Wonder why that is.
I think this project provides provides a good compare/contrast to CV’s S8 project, because he is taking care of things one by one and testing the results in between to figure out what gains each item actually makes, whereas I’m having it pretty much all done at one time so we can see what happens when you go straight from an under-maintained stock car to a fully maintained modified car.
I’m guessing each item, by itself, probably only makes only a slightly noticeable difference, but when combined it will be like a completely different car.