I did the Resonator delete and just had 2 straight pipes welded in on my 2013 S6. Sounds great, nice growl even at idle.
I haven’t gotten tuned yet, but my next thing I’d like to do is downpipes and get rid of those nasty golden snakes.
I am not looking for cheap, but $1,000 less makes me open my eyes to build quality and fitment.
I saw these Russian made cat-less downpipes on Ebay. you can get them uncoated or even ceramic coated.
I was then going to add these O2 extenders with built in mini-cats.
I don’t see the point in spending 2,000 for a 2.76" APR DP or more for a Milltek that doesn’t even bolt up to the factory Cat back without modification. when I can get one for half that much and the 2 Mini-cat 02 extenders should stop the CEL.
This downpipe says it bolts right up with no modification necessary, and the welds look rally nicely done.
What do you guys think?