Chaning the color scheem of the site

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was at Toys for Tots last year at FDR skate park in Philly. We had bought a a case of 40’s and my friend John was trying to skateboard on mud. he then makes some random kid try to jump over him as he knelt down and the kid ended up falling face first into the mud. im literally crying typing this lol



Thanks guys this site is a product of a lot of things and a lot of people. You guys included, and a very large thanks to all our Audi technical guys. We have several certified Audi technicians along with several top industry leaders. Topping off that list is countvohn. I personally need to thank him. If you know what is has done and how extencive his abilities are you would be astonished. He works for SVT works for just about every top domestic tuner and has played a major roll in helping several Audi performance company. The latest being tuning the Apr supercharger programs for both the record setting Rs4 and S5

Yes I have 2 r8 cars one is my dd ale the other is docked on my boat so I have something to drive when I visit my other homes. The before and after jhm effect on my v10 made me almost crap my pants. I already knew how wicked the jhm v8 tunes were so no suprise there.

It is absolutely amazing the amount of knowledge Count has and the rest of the people on this site. Its great to have it all in one location, I have learned more here in 10 months than I have over the last 3 years.

WOW, now that is doing it right

Here on AR we need 1/4 mile times to see the true difference of a mod, but in this case I am more than willing to take your word for it ;D

:o :o :o :o :o

you have to remember that changing the underwear is also a true difference of a mod!! :smiley:

damnnn… need a chemical engineer to work for your business? lol

lol^ that made me laugh.