Check Eng, ESP Fault then LIMP mode after a workshop jump started my S6......

Hey Guys,

The Workshop that was tickling up my wheel alignment flattened the batt enough they had to jump start the car (found this out after I range them after the lights came on etc) when I picked the car up the Eng light was on, 2 min later the ESP warning came up saying “check owners manual” - then then the car went into a progressive limp mode driving ok at 30MPH but struggled to do 60…

I found one fuse (20Amp) in the rear tunk fuse compartment blown which I changed out, now the ESP warning does not appear but the eng light and limp mode remains on…Im off to get her scanned this morning. Will post codes when I can

Q1 - is it normal for the eng light to pop on after a jump/flattened battery?
Q2 - this limp mode is the major concern, the car literally struggles to go up a hill at 50MPH - im picking its a safety feature - should this clear post a VAG COM clearance of the check eng light?
Q3 - can things be broken/blown from a jump start…?

The car runs, sounds 100% fine until you try and drive the thing…no misses no coughs - just runing at about 15% total power!