"Classic" Exotic car values

Had anyone been paying attention to Lamborghini Countach values over the last two years - they went up. A lot.

For a time you’d have a tough time unloading an '89 anniversary for a hundred grand. In 2015 you could fetch north of $300,000 for one and the older carb cars were going for $500,000 plus.

Testarossas also elevated as did Diablos although not as much.

However - they’ve stalled. And it seems to be pretty clear why it all happened - QE. Many other things aside; if QE never happened then Countach keeps selling for 100 grand, if that.

Now that many post-QE worldwide eventualities are coming into the spotlight, how long until I can grab that Blue Diablo I drove last month for $75,000? ;D

It felt to me that I should probably post this on Audi forum rather than Lamborghini forum where a bunch of owners would want to rip my head off for just informing them that they bought high.