Coolant issues have been my biggest problem with my car, seems like it’s always drinking coolant for one reason or another. Although I’ve had pretty good luck for the past 6 months or so, knock on wood.
Most of my leaks have been pretty obvious, though. The radiator was spraying coolant out my grill at one point, another time the expansion tank was gushing coolant out the bottom, and another time I had a leaking hose somewhere (a local mechanic found and fixed that one). JHM also replaced a few coolant lines during my overhaul there. The problem seems to be that the coolant system in these cars runs at a significantly higher pressure than most, and aging coolant components seem to fail frequently around 100-125k miles.
The first thing I would do, since it’s only like $8 and 30 seconds of labor, is buy a new expansion tank cap from an auto parts store. There’s a gasket in there, and when it fails it will cause hot coolant to come out the bottom of the tank. Also check the plastic Y-fitting behind the expansion tank, replace it with a brass fitting if it looks fragile.