DIY - Lowering fuel pressure - B5/6/7, C5, and basically all other Audis

Why: This is a good safety step for working on fuel systems. Nobody like having gas go all over the place and there is of course the risk of fire.

Tools required:
Car key
Fuse puller (should be attached to the inside of the side dash board trim cover) or you can use needle nose pliers

1. Open driver’s door all the way
2. Look at the left side of the dash that would be covered by the driver’s door. There is a big trim cover (half heart shaped) that has a notch where it meets the dash board.
3. Use the metal shank portion of the car key to pop the panel off the side of the dash by using that notch in the cover.

  1. Remove the little white fuse puller from the inside of the trim panel that goes on the side of the dash board.
  2. Use the fuse puller to remove the fuel pump fuse. Usually it is fuse #28 on most cars. Which is located on the very back row and three spots up from the bottom. The B8 and newer cars have the fuse in a different location but this procedure is basically the same otherwise.

  1. Try starting the engine. Some cars will only crank like most B5/C5s. Other cars will start and then die like most B6s. Most of the cars with FSI engines will start up and run so you need to press on the gas pedal until the engine dies. Once the engine dies try cranking it two to three more times just to be sure.

  2. Once you are done with other repairs and are ready to start the engine go ahead and put the fuel pump fuse back in. I like to cycle the key a few times so that the lights come on the dash but the engine does not crank so that the fuel pump can build up fuel pressure to the engine.