So I’m getting an annoying driver seat squeak when I go over bumps etc. it seems to be coming from over my left shoulder.
Have you guys noticed anything similar with your driver seat?
Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?
Do you think its the seat it self. if you push and pull on the seat from outside the car will you hear any noises. The left shoulder thing leads me to think its not seat related but maybe something in the body.
This kind of sounds like the door gaskets squeaking whenever you hit a bump. I usually treat mine with a thin coating of sil-glyde once a year to keep the noise at bay and it also helps prevent the doors from freezing shut in the winters here in the northeast US.
I don’t have this problem on the S6, but in other cars where the shoulder belt runs across the seat, it would squeak on the leather.
Man, that drove me crazy for half a year in the Cayman till I found it!