Dumb shit badblueRS4 says

We could fill Giants stadium with some of the past dumb shit, and maybe we will dig it up over time to show a history of abuse, however just thought this would be a funny way to collect the rabble of this mental patient in one place . It would also be good to correct the misinformation at the same time, as I will attempt to do here with the first one up from today…courtesy of AZ of course, where nobody corrected him.

Just making shit up I guess.

RS4 traction control has 2 distinct stageS of disengagement…not varied stages determined by however long you hold the button. It’s not a dial you can fine tune to whatever level you like, as if it were on the front of your stove. It’s a button.

You either have full engagement which is default , then can have first level disengaged with a tap of the ESP button (leaving the icon flashing on your gauge cluster, or you can have the next level of disengagement by holding it down for I believe 3.8 seconds. That’s it.