How did you tackle the by the ECU expected separation with the dual pre-kat O2 sensors in your equal length 5-1 manifolds?
What is the runner length you tried to achieve and (if applicable) based on what calculation?
I guess you understand where I’m going to…
My OEM manifolds are getting tired; flexy bits are dying, nuts and studs rusted so once the workshop is done, first thing is engine out to fix some leaks GregB style and start cutting up some stainless mandrel bends!
As a quick note. I don’t make the headers. I have been to the shop that makes them where countvohn and his team make them but so have others on this site. I just have a set of counts headers like so many others do and they are the real deal. Dyno and track proven time and time and time again. So we are big fans of them. Many people have been ripped off on stuff like this. We all have been very happy.
So again I don’t make them I’m just a very very happy customer. But I will try to answer some questions for you.
Again that’s countvohn. He tunes the cars.
I know one car the team just moved the 02 sensors in the location they needed to be in for the time requirement for ecu checks. That took math and a few adjustments. After that they copied the locations. For several of the other sets.
For a few other cars I know he (countvohn) just looped all of the 5 cylinders into 1 main and 1 post 02 through calibration of the ecu. I think one of the cars he did this with was a supercharged test car. Not sure
I know the runner length was a big thing. If I’m not mistaken it took 2 different designs to get the length right to extend the Tq range where they wanted it to be. you can kinda look at the pictures and get a rough idea on how long they ended up being.
Obvoiusly if you want to shoot for making headers have at it they make a big chunk of power over stock. But keep in mind. One guy on here tried to copy the CV headers and actually made less hp than stock or about the same. So… IMHO. Just pull the cats out there is a big chunk of power there. put a straight pipe in where the cats were and then hit CV up for a tune.
Even if later you want to supercharge or go crazy he would be the guy to know and to talk to