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follow me on Instagram guys s6_v10 also I got a question I currently looking into tunes does the jhm ecu only give 25 hp or can it be tuned to more? I already have jhm spacers , crank pulley, and exhaust

I did a lot of the work my self but this is a very complex engine I don’t know to much about it

The JHM tune gives WAY more than 25 hp. With all of the right JHM mods. Even guys with broken intake manifolds are seeing mid 12s. in the 1/4 mile.

The best bang is the JHM ECU and TCU tune.

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I’ll second that. The JHM tune transforms this car into something maddening I never expected from an NA platform. This forum is a wealth of knowledge for this platform with many active users. Welcome!

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JHM ECU and TCU tuned S6 here. :raised_back_of_hand:t2:
Avant, broken intake, 154.000 miles, 15 years old car.

12.5s 1/4 and 4.25s 0-60mph. With baby seats and a stroller onboard.

It’s more than 25hp bruh :v:t3: