FS: B5 S4 Tial R770 Kit / 850 Twin Clutch and EPL Big Fuel KIT AMD Downpipes

I am de-modding my AMD Built TiAL R770 3L B5 S4.

Current for sale items are;

  • R770 Turbo kit w/inlets and all the hardware.
  • CM 850 Twin Disk Clutch, just rebuilt.
  • EPL Big Fuel KIT
  • AMD Downpipes

Please PM me with offers if seriously interested.

Offer $1000.

$2000 if you include the 12.5 @ 128 timeslip in a frame.


Going a different direction, or different car altogether?


I am not sure yet, I am probably making the S4 a DD friendly car and getting out of the extreme car mod game.

I know this is an older thread, but I’m thinking about doing this exact thing. Did you get all your stuff sold? What made this setup not a DD friendly car?

probabley the fact that they car was blown up.

…and mainly that it was EPL tuned