Dont forget to vote today for Romney and if you are voting for Obama that is tomorrow…

LOL! Yeah had to wait nearly 30 minutes this morning… God we need to get this tool out of office… I just don’t have a great feeling and our state(ohio) is the most critical at least from what they say… Funny if you look at all the heat maps all the inner city areas are where Osama gets his votes… They were passing out cigarettes in downtown Cleveland last time and this time if you were willing to register to vote… I bet you can guess what demographic they were targeting… hmm…

that was fucking funny

The Obama love is really annoying. All the hollywooders jumping on the bandwagon makes me kind of vomit. Hey dipshit…you were a drama nerd in high school (if you even went that far)…remind me why I should give a shit about ANYTHING you say about who should guide the US for the next 4 years?

Same on my facebook…there are a couple of people who, every single day, post something anti-Romney or pro-Obama. I am not sure why they think any of the other Canadians on their facebook cares when we can’t fucking vote?

The Obama lovers seem like Apple fanboys.

For the record, I don’t really lean either way. American politics, with 2 major parties, is useless. It’s never a compromise…just a constant “WE ARE RIGHT, THEY ARE WRONG!” from the two parties, ensuring ZERO progress. It’s a really overwhelmingly sickening thing to watch frankly.

Until one of the parties has a dominant position in Congress, the Senate AND the President’s office, nothing will get done…just big things will get done, last possible second. Damaging as fuck that way. Watch for fiscal cliff at the end of the year. There will be no majority or control after this election, so they’ll do something, but not before we’ve sat around twiddling our thumbs waiting for months, while the equity market suffers and the economy stalls since we have no cost certainty on doing business in America.

“its not like Romney has a chance of winning MA anyways”

do you mean it’s not like he has a chance of NOT winning MA?

I figured since he was governer there he’d have a bit of a shot. No? I haven’t really got any clue to be honest.

what do you mean specifically?

Here is our Charter of Rights and Freedoms http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/Const/page-15.html

It’s a lot like America but

a) without the guns
b) without the ‘thoughts and prayers’ every 4 seconds

I’m not an Obama fanboy but I can’t stand Romney’s pathological lies (and Ryan’s). He sickens me as a human being.

no, absolutely 0% chance Romeny wins MA. Last republican to win MA was regan in 84. Its Kennedy country lol.

but regarding him being governor, the state legislature was over 2/3 democrat when he was governor iirc, so people felt more comfortable electing a moderate republican. Worcester county and the western counties may vote Romney but the population out here is a fraction of the Boston area which will go Obama.

Employment around here is lots of education, medical research and union manufacturing.

-eminent domain stuff I haven’t heard much of here. That’s a US term by the way, and I haven’t even heard of something similar here.
-indefinite detention…jail? Doesn’t really exist. First degree murder = 25 years in prison (which is considered life). Dangerous offenders can be ‘indefinite’ I guess…but it’s not really indefinite as I believe you can be deemed no longer dangerous (because prison is a great place to learn to be a nice person lol)
-seperation of church and state is a bit too aggressive. You can’t say ‘Merry Christmas’ anywhere for fuck’s sake. I’m not religious but I like me some Christmas presents. There was a Christmas tree in city hall in Toronto a few years ago and a judge who walked by it and saw it made them take it down because it infringed on his/her religious beliefs. It’s sort of weird that way…bit of a melting pot of religions and everyone is so quick to not offend the non-Christians that we end up celebrating everything but.
-warrantless wiretapping? lol it’s pretty hard to wire tap here according to police friends. The evidence is entirely useless if it’s obtained illegally.
-police brutality is nothing really, unless you listen to Axel’s friends who walked into a security zone during a massive G20 conference, and then complained about being detained by police.

It’s pretty much the best place to live on earth if you speak english and don’t mind it getting cold.

I won’t lie to you and tell you Canada is the promised land. We have our own share of issues and scandals. The latest one involving our Correctional Facilities. The G20 in Toronto was a total nightmare and complete abuse of power by the police and officials and nothing was done about it (and there are plenty more).

HOWEVER, overall, I do feel that Canada is a more laid back, less in your face, and more egalitarian society. We’re not a whole lot different than the US but when you spend enough time in both countries, you do start noticing some considerable differences. We’re also 10% of the US population size so less things happen :slight_smile:

I know what it is. I was just saying that it’s not nearly as much of a concern here as it has been in the US…to the point that there isn’t really a terminology used to describe the process.

p.s. Axel piped up about G20 right on cue :smiley:

I don’t think I actually had any friends detained. I’m only looking at the obvious facts of how the police (and government officials) behaved during those few days. It was despicable, civilians were lied to by police and government, over 1000 wrongful arrests (i.e. arrests for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than you happened to be walking on a street at the wrong place at the wrong time). Police making sure not to wear their ID badges to avoid identification, police beatings (including one of a disabled person).

I mean come, you’d have to be blind not to see how abusive that situation was. Just read some articles from legitimate individuals.

The latest Ashley Smith scandal is in the courts (mentally ill prisoner in the canadian correctional institution).



Downtown urban properties are fairly expensive. There’s only so many large cities to live in. Suburbs, small towns and such are generally cheap (there are some obvious exceptions though).

We have our police abuse here as well. Toronto is one of the worst in the country though so if you’re considering BC, you’re better off :slight_smile:

Edit: That said, it’s probably considerably less here than the US, even taking into account the 10% size (i.e. I’m quite sure we have less than 10% of such incidents).

By the way, getting back on topic, has anyone figured out what Romney actually plans to do as president if he’s elected?

Two things I’ve learned not to discuss much with people is Religion and Politics… So I’m interested to see where this conversation goes…

Haha yes, I think someone objected when I last brought up politics. I’ve given up on trying to figure out what my opinions are. I can’t vote in the country I live in. The country I can vote in is full of idiots at govt level!

You sound like an Italian from NY - same rules apply in my house lol.

LOL… Well my wife is Italian and I’ve spent a number of nights discussing (Read as standing and yelling) politics with my father-in-law over a bottle of Sambuca…

Sambuca = life

Out of interest, a question for the American AR members - which president of the last 2-3 decades would you pick to stay in office today.?

ross perot, lol
