Got a dog?

No doubt that my lab needed more walks. He was a wanderer. After Scotland, we lived in a beach house in South Carolina. No fences. He would run the dunes and beach for hours. Once came back with a bullet in his chest.

I’ll look for that book. Sounds cool. My wife is a former vet tech and trainer. She speaks dog. We tried hard, but couldn’t take the risk with our child. He also growled at the neighbors kids. And yes, when a 180 lb dog growls, it is like a train going by.

While they don’t live with me, they are very much a part of my family. Here are Kobe and Connie:

We’ve bred Connie twice, and she still hasn’t lost a step. Always, always has a ball in her mouth, even when she sleeps.

Kobe similarly feels the need to always greet people with one of her toys.

And Connie even joins us at the table sometimes on the deck.

Goldens just seem to always have permagrin :slight_smile:

Our “ghost face” killer, reverse panda, etc… (own nicknames, silly I know). She has aged quickly in the last couple years. Everything that is gray now used to be jet black.

Greta forever changed my view and understanding of what pitbulls are and can/should be. She is the epitome of a family dog and poster child for what the breed can be. Not an aggressive bone in her. Gentle with kids, strangers, other pets including cats and even baby hand raised birds (girlfriend used to work at a pet store when we got her and would perodically have clutches of baby parrots and other exoctic birds at home to hand feed them overnight). Greta would just sit by her side and sneak a lick or two in. Funny to see.

She is not well and I am gonna sorely miss her. She has pancreatic cancer. She had been doing pretty well with diet change and medication but the meds are becoming less and less effective at controlling her insulin/blood sugar interface. We have an appointment for potential surgery to remove tumor but she is old and will see if the vet thinks she can successfully undergo the surgery and anesthesia. Fingers crossed. Hate to not do all we can for her.

The old man, Coda, in his usual state these days.

And, Olive, in hers, begging for attention. Always under foot or looking to be pet

My childhood dog was a Caviler Kind Charles Spaniel. We had to put him down early last year due to old age. Wasn’t eating anymore, couldn’t control his bowels, it was time. It was hard to do but He lived to 13 with 2 hip replacements, a heart murmur, and and some type of heart disease that I can’t remember the name of.

My girlfriend and I will get a dog eventually. We both like bigger dogs so probably a German Sheppard. Or Labrador Retriever

When he was <1 getting a sink bath.

This is when he was about 11

And this is when he was 13. Disengaged and not really himself. He wasn’t interested in the treat on the floor

^ It’s really sad when they get old. You don’t want them to go, but you know the time has arrived, and they are suffering. :frowning:

Here is our Frenchie Boodrow and another shot with Champ our Great Dane who was too big to bring here. He towered above us on his hind legs…close to 6 and a half feet if not taller. He is loving life these days. Went to a good family who had lost their Dane.

b6joe, I did not come here to feel sad lol

Yeah I told a hell of a story there. lol.

We had a real close call. Our Boodrow had a heat stroke yesterday. Luckily, the Vets were here on TDY. This place sucks big monkey balls.

Have an English Bulldog named Denzel. A little over 3 years old now. Far more energetic than other bulldogs I’ve seen but still likes to sleep a lot. Vet said he has some Eastern European heritage that makes him taller and more athletic. He used to love walking several miles a day but the long winter fattened him up and now he’s happy to do a circle around the block.

I love English Bulldogs.

“My” dog.

She’s a papillon/chihuahua mix; 5yrs old.

My dogs


Bulldogs are my favourite them and a little frenchy. Wish my job allowed me to keep a dog but couldn’t keep one at home all day alone it doesn’t feel right. Was brought up with them shame I can’t keep one

Some beautiful dogs here!

Here is my guy - He’s a one year old labradoodle. His name is Quattro ;D

Here he is at 9 weeks old - the day I picked him up:

Right before his first hair cut:

Sunday best:

Helping Dad in the garage:

Being a general bad ass :stuck_out_tongue: :

baddass and skull and crossbones are funnythings to associate with a labradoodle lol

lol, true! My wife enjoys dressing him up. I hate it. Oddly enough, he doesn’t seem to mind.

Labradoodles are hilarious when their hair is long.

Here’s my crazy pup, Beanz. She’s a rescue dog from Louisiana. I got her when she was about three months old and she’s 10 months now. I haven’t done a DNA test but my guess is she’s Beagle/shepherd/jack Russell mix. She’s my first dog because growing up my mom was “allergic.” I never believed her and still don’t forgive her to this day haha.

The day I picked her up in the S4 where she is no longer allowed in…

How do I get down these things dad?

Making friends with my pet rabbit

Most recent. Sorry puppy, my burrito

Unfortunately a couple weeks ago she opened a drawer and got into a bottle of ibuprofen, ate anywhere from 30 - 150 tablets and almost died. Luckily I found her in time but the vet bill was about 4 grand, eating half of my supercharger fund. Fortunately, she’s doing great and doesn’t seem to have any ill effects from the OD.