Guy doing RS6 Part out

Looks like that guy planned on doing an RS6 conversion probably on Avant. But he has most of the parts needed to do it. Here is a pic
if any body wants more information he has posted in a sales group I an in on Facebook I could contact him and relay any information.

I tried the link and it didnt work so thanks for posting this. Not sure why they would have that facebook group closed but anyway thanks

Yeah the Link doesn’t work unless you are part of the sales club. He is In Austria it’s been a couple weeks now probably all sold have all the parts is one thing putting them all in and getting it all to work is another. But figured I’d post Incase someone was interested.

Yeah it’s weird if your a Facebook friend it looks like can add and yeah not sure why it’s closed.

I’m in that FB group as well. I think it’s a closed group so you’d have to sign in and then request to be added to the group.