Has anyone heard of this place or researched it??


It looks like a scam, but they have BHF long blocks for $8350. I am just wondering if anyone has looked into them because I am curious. One of the first things that I saw that was a little fishy was that they have a disclaimer that states “because of increasing VISA fees we will only accept cash or wire transfer for payment”

Is anyone on here close to this CA address?

843 Peary lane Foster City CA 94404

That should read “because we are a deadbeat business we will only accept cash or wire”

Probably got cut off by visa.

They accept papal so your purchase is protected…right??

I have no idea who these guys are but in the defence of some retail shops, credit cards to charge on a % basis. If your average order price is over $8000, that’s a fairly big chunk of your profit.
Now, it would be better if they accepted credit cards if you were willing to pay 2-3% more but that would be against the terms and conditions of being a vendor that accepts credit cards.

i remember a shop (eurodyne maybe?) that picked up a few new longblocks when audi was clearing them out. they were selling for ~7k and only accepted money orders/wires so this sounds familiar.