The hunt continues. I put the car on a lift again and had a better look. This is what found
I tied some rags onto the coolant pipe right next to the water pump. That seems to stop the leak from traveling, it now drips in only that one location:
Here’s the cutaway view for reference:
I saw the oil collecting at the oil pan seal just above the coolant pipe near the water pump. This is where I tied the rags to stop the leak from travelling.

The oil pan was resealed a few weeks ago, so it couldn’t have been there. But I had it opened up again to have a closer look. The only thing I can find is oil collecting on the bolts that connect the oil pump housing to the crank case. The locations are marked on the front view of the motor above. (1) and (2) are right above the spot of the leak, and a peek at (3) also shows a bit of oil sludge on the passenger side, but no leak below.
I’m assuming it’s an engine out procedure to get access to the oil pump housing.
I took additional photos of the seam at the crankshaft level, and also the top of the oil pan housing by the lower flywheel. It all looks clean. The only thing I can see are oil drops collecting on the underside of the bolts.
Give me some ideas on what I can do next, such as:
- it’s a slow leak, just put a pan under the car and top-off the oil monthly
- “caulk” the seam with some RTV––would that work?
- Is there somewhere else to look in that general location?
If I knew the oil leak was taken care of, I’d go ahead and have the radiator and a few hoses replaced. They are showing signs on brittleness and bulging. OTOH, I don’t want to throw good money after bad if this is a lost cause.
Thanks in advance for your great ideas.