Ready to do the last two cylinders carbon cleaning…
Car is in neutral but engine does not seem to turn via the alternator…
Are there fuses to pull to use the starter?
Should be easy but Im a little stumped.
Thanks in advance!
Pulling the fuse did it…
Usually you can turn the motor over with a I think its a 24 MM nut on the alternator or you can use the crank pulley bolts if you want to go that route.
The motor will be hard to turn over if you have the spark plugs in still as the car will be comming on compression. If you pull the plugs and put the car in N you can almost turn the motor over by hand on the crank if you really need to but with the spark plugs in its very hard. Also its a good idea to pull the plugs on a carbon clean due to the fact when your done its good to crank the motor over with no spark plugs and even no injectors to make sure you expell any possible fluids or carbon that might have fallen or weeped into the cylinders on the clean.
Also its a great idea to pull your injectors on a carbon clean and send them out to JHM to get serviced.
As im sure you have read. Injectors and clogs seem to be the number one missfire issue on the S6 and S8
FWIW I had pulled / changed plugs and injectors. Still no turning and I tried pretty hard. Car was in neutral and would roll. But I got lucky and with a only two quick turns of the key was able to get to all cylinders valves closed for the blasting.
Re-assembly of all this went ez. Just time consuming. I reconnected the four front colored connectors at front bottom of IM to the plate assembly… then after installing the IM, re attached the holding plate to the front of the IM with the 2 10mm bolts. its reachable with 10mm socket a flashlight and you can see what your doing via the hood latch opening.
By the way, how did you disconnect all the fuel lines? The manual has some depressurization procedure, but it doesn’t seem like anyway does that.
Nope not really nessessary. Wait about 15 min after you turned the motor off. From there wrap a shop rag under the main fuel line where it connects to the fuel rail. From there just crank the nut on the fuel feed line. Just CRACK the nut a little loose. From there most of the pressure will bleed off. You will hear the pressure leaking out. Usually I get min amounts of fuel but my shop rag absobrbs most of it.