hussaein obama the most unAmerican in America

What a scumbag.

The usa is in debt beyond what can be paid back… even if you took every dollar in ever currency all over the globe you wouldn’t have enough money to pay the debt and liabilities he has racked up. He has made more debt for the country then all the past presidents combined…thats a fact…in 2008 hussein said it was unAmerican of then bush to put the country in debt…even tho hussein has over doubbled tyat debt…here is my real gripe with this phoney…

The government has been shut down due to money issues…the repubs have said ok no more…so momey is part of the issue…

This president or this most unAmerican he should be called. Has shut down non government programs and activities to put it to the American people so they feel the pain of the shut down…lets face it me and you the real Americans are not effected with the shutdown…not unless hussein pays government workers to shut down sites that are not costing any momey.

All of these free or profitable sites or activities have been shut down 9n purpose by the most unAmerican himself. Thats right during a shut down the most unAmerican paid to have Americans punished…kkeepin mind his goulf coarse is still open to him…

The WWII marorial
The road by mount rushmore
Mount Vernon

Actually the list of what this scumbag is paying or abusing government workers to restrict access to is just showing how big of a dirt bag he is…all I listed a privately funeded not under the reach of thr government. Why is the government working over time to shut non staffed non asscdntial land marks sites or locations…

Because we have the most unAmerican president showing its not about the people its about only his addenda…oh mr un American 5 more of my friends now lost health care coverage and now pay double of what they were paying before you stepped in so we could give free health care to those that dont wsmt to pay taxes or be us citizens