If Americans are worried that their country may become a dictatorship

Maybe civilians should make a stronger effort to get cops like these fired instead of merely suspended for a bunch of days (which the cop still hasn’t served). I see police abusing their power as a greater risk than the government trying to implement laws to make gun ownership safer. But that’s just me.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=eyYlRZAdPGk&NR=1

News article: http://www.wfaa.com/news/crime/Sheriff-suspends-deputy-who-seized-bikers-camera-169543346.html

that’s annoying

he has a helmet cam just for kicks, and then ends up in jail. Pretty lame.

I think the one where the guy with the helmet cam who got pulled over and then was arrested, prosecuted and convicted for ‘wire tapping’ for his camera filming his interactions with the police officer is just as ridiculous.

I’m sure every country has abuse of powerful by they law enforcement…fuckers. People are inherently flawed and most cannot control themselves when given an ounce of power, shit even Mall rent a cops think they can fucking charge people and have a legitimate authority.

Anyways that was bullshit. You guys should see the way that motorcycle riders and people with “fast” looking cars are targeted down here near the military bases. Cops know that they have people in the military by the balls because at the end of the day we fall under two systems of law, civilian laws and the Uniform Code of Military Justice so we are fucked if we refuse searches or get arrested. Active Duty members can’t even be bailed out by their spouse or a friend, we have to have a senior enlisted or commissioned member come bail us out…which also usually equates to prosecution or punishment by the military.

Short story…I got pulled over down here because a cop “thought” I wasn’t wearing my seat belt…well I was, but when he came up to my window he noticed my passenger door was taken apart (I was in the middle of changing the window motor and had to run an errand). He called backup and said he had probable cause to search my truck because it may be stolen. I asked him how the fuck it could be stolen when I handed him my license and registration insurance card. He told me to basically shut up and get out and I knew if I didn’t it could get way worse than it was. These fuckers patted me down like I was some gang banger and searched my truck for 30 minutes, his backup fuckin retard puled my golf clubs from my back seat and set them to the side…didn’t use the bag stand like a fuckin idiot and the fell over scratching my damn PING putter that wasn’t cheap. I was pissed and embarrassed and to be honest there probably wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. I left with no ticket or warning which was a plus I guess.

That’s the thing. There’s bound to be abuse when people are placed into power. It’s how the system handles these abuses that need to be looked at. Often times, they are no repercussions for such abuses allowing these rogue cops to feel immune. It’s just as bad here in Toronto as anywhere else. Often times it also comes down from management.

And this “blue shield” is complete bullshit. Cops expect civilians to testify against fellow civilians, often putting themselves in danger but when a cop does something illegal, you usually can’t find a single cop to testify against them, even if the rare cop that might exists.

In our jurisdiction, we have a body called the SIU (Special Investigations Unit) that are so powerless, that they never come to any conclusion or verdict, usually due to lack of evidence (because the cops won’t release said evidence) and have no power to enforce any rulings if they actually manage to come up with one that involves proof of guilt.

And it’s just as bad with the correctional facilities. So you get rogue cops that abuse their power and wrongfully arrest you and then you’re thrown into a corrupt correctional system that abuses you even more.

Civil liberties are continually raped and no one does anything about it. Where’s our judicial system then?

Ok, I’m done venting. Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

You could also always move if it’s so bad in Canada…

I think the answer would be to legalize gun carry!!

vigilantly justice 4TW


that WAS a joke!

Well the problem isn’t specifically Canadian. It’s a human problem that’s present everywhere.

Since creation…or whatever you believe in…

This. 100%.

^^^You got pulled over with an interior door panel missing in your truck too?

license plate expired by 3 days…didnt have the search because panal was there :slight_smile: