Intake Manifold Removal Question

I am about to tackle the intake manifold removal and carbon clean on my car. I have read through both of the great threads here covering both topics.

But I am a bit unclear on one thing. Is it necessary to remove the radiator to be able to get to the connectors on the front of the manifold? Or is there enough room to get to them with the radiator in? Has anyone here removed their radiator and if so how difficult was it? I have the Bentley manual and it doesn’t look too bad of a job. But if I don’t have to remove the radiator, that will save a lot of work.

I think it is possible to unbolt the knock sensor bracket from the IM, thus avoiding the need to remove the radiator. BUT, there are those here WAY more experience that can chime in.

I know for certain that the Audi dealer that did my carbon clean the first time did not remove the bumper and radiator as I saw it in their shop.

Interesting. Thanks for the info.

I don’t believe so, in fact some people remove the manifold with the front bumper still attached. :slight_smile: Although, if you’d like more breathing room then it’s recommended. Apparently, it can be a huge PITA to remove some of the sensors with the front bumper still on. Simply put, it’s all about your preference.

You can remove the intake without taking the radiator out. All the connectors need to come off the intake first that control all the flaps. I determined that the knock sensor connectors don’t have to be disconnected. Just undo the two screws that hold the bracket on.

IF its your full interaction with the car. I would remove the front clip. Not just the rad unit but the front clip. Its about 25min or so more work but it will probably save you 35 min in time overall in working and being able to get to things.

Removing the front clip will allow you to have so much more free range of access and you can from there inspect the idle roller and the tensioner unit and belt on the front of the motor. There are also tons of vac lines that you will have better access to and once you remove the intake with the front core support removed you can really get into more areas.

Depending on how old the coolant is your going to want to drain the coolant any ways so for me I would say it is a smart move.

BUT overall you don’t need to remove the front core support. I would however take a second if you havent already and read this thread. It will help give you some ideas on what you need to do in the intake removal and rest of the work your doing

I decided not to remove the radiator. I ended up having plenty of room to get to everything in the front.

Mr. twooooo, your tip on just removing the two bolts holding the knock sensor bracket saved a ton of work and time. If you were anywhere need me, I would buy you a six pack of your favorite beer.

I will begin the carbon cleaning tomorrow. Valves look like any of the pictures you see on the forum of carbon build up. So my car definitely needed a cleaning. So far so good.