JHM Rs6r turbo. What really is it

Now naudlee is saying count Vohn is Andy from vast

What a fucking moron.

Naudlee…does your business have a fax machine? Keep it on standby :slight_smile:

That guy is struggling to grasp onto any object to keep ia clearly sinking reputation from buring and sprial8jg any kore then it is.

Cv coukd be santa clause for all it matters. That doset change that naddlee is a fraud. He lied about saying his ch8na turbis were tested he dosnt have a shop or a shop cars. He has no tests he has no fucking t7rbos he is using the jhm t7rbos as his pin up. Thwt dude is a f7cking scam artist in the top degree.

Still none of this chag3s how the jhm t7rbos are not cheap china turbos. But the jhm t7rbos are clearly the standard that everyone is attempting to knock off. M8nd u there doing a shit job of it but we all saw this when nauddlee even tried to say he had tuebos to sell. Beteen his fake add fake claims and clealy fake story two things happened here. The same guy naudlee thwt tried to bash jhm just peovee the jhm is legit.

Someone needs to set the record straight that count Vohn does not equal"the count"on AZ…

I hope your car does well with Your rs6-r’s, but I think you should watch what you say pertaining to your cars future and how well you think it will perform against what you are calling cheap. My car has RPM rods in it and they are serving their purpose. Lets hope you don’t get out performed in every catagory by China.

FAW I’ll assume you fall into GROUPs 3-5 I’m not even sure if your trying to make a point or just trying to bash a fellow B5 guy who wants to have a successful build that is actually 1/4 mile worthy.

Apparently my name is being brought up & talked about on audizine. My ip address is blocked so i can’t register over there so i have decided to address things over here. I get and sell many parts to help people one of which is a china based rs6 replica. Due to the fact that people like Sillyrabbit and the projectb5 guy can’t seem to keep their mouths shut, I will sell anyone who wants the same turbos that they have been getting from me and my people for $999.00. It will be on my ARD website later on tonight.

I do not sell JH Motorsports their turbos… It is CountVohn who helped me find the connection to get the replica turbos that i have. These replica turbos are a more or less great alternative for those people who never intend on going over say 16 to 18 lbs of boost. I have no problems admitting this even tho the people that are trying to sell my rs6 turbo are claiming otherwise. If somebody is looking to do a serious build, i will and have pushed them in the direction of JH Motorsports. Let me be clear…I do not sell JH Motorsports their turbos and if you are building a serious car then that is the turbo for you. CountVohn is 100% correct in the fact that there is a huge difference between the 2 turbos. Its people like projectb5 and sillyrabbit who want to continue claiming that they are selling a JHM turbo or equivalent then as a service to the b5 community then i will just stop dealing with them thus some of the remarks that you saw on audizine. You can get a projectb5 or sillyrabbiit rs6 turbo “rs6r knockoff lesser grade turbo” and i will just sell it to you guys for $999.00.

Hope this clears this up and feel free to ask questions.

This picture made my day! BUSTED!


However, in addition to a B6 S4 V8, a C4 S4 i5 turbo, I want to add a 2.7T allroad with RS6-R turbo’s to my fleet. It looks immense!

Welcome aboard. Again we see the b e n e f i t of relative freedom of speech here on AR. I think it’s also fair to say that a decent amount of any vendors’ customers are not on AZ or any other car forum. If you follow JHM on facebook, they have had some B6/7 supercharger installs but I haven’t seen any posts on any forums about them. Because there exist car enthusiasts who are not on internet forums.

I do know ARD and I did help get him in the door wih a manufacure to help bring a low cost throw away turbo idea to the guys that don’t want to spend the money on ko4 or even ko3 turbo replacement. As he said, there is a large difference between what jhm makes and what ARD offers. The ads that people are puting up and the claims by other people is what I have an issue with. I think its been well astablished that it takes more then just a few bumper sticker parts to make a full turbo

I was asked to talk about the numbers on the wheel. Some don’t realize that this is something that I have asked ARD to do and companies like Fturbo would most likely do as well. I never said this was something that JHM did all for themselves. The number on the comp wheels isn’t exactly exclusive to jhm, But the part number shown was. I just stated that the picture on the one website was part of the JHM batch. It was one of the test batches so there are a few things that are not going to be seen on every JHM turbo.

Ian hit the hammer on the head. There are the 5 sections of people.

Fact is not too long after we started making the RS6r turbo there were companies looking to knock it off. I posted one that was very recent and more will come. Those that want to believe what you want to believe then good luck to you. For those of you that are looking for real answers then I would like to think that this thread has been helpful.

There are people looking to push off the lower rs6 turbo as the JHM turbo. I hope we have sorted out that there are two different kinds of turbos. From the fact that the companies in question already said they got turbos from ARD and ARD spoke on how they sell the rs6 rep but that turbo is indeed not a JHM turbo, but is a great low duty turbo that can serve many well. In the end why spend the 1800 when you can just get it for 999 from the sorce. I would suggest getting the top duty JHM unit that is built for much higher boost.

As always feel free to let me know if there are any questions.

I’m happy to hear the RS6-Rs that I purchased are meant to withstand high boost. I want my tune to run high boost and I will buy a second pair of RS6-Rs as a backup in case I need to learn my lesson the hard way.

Funny shit. So let’s summarize what we’ve learned…

  1. ARD sources a replica RS6 style turbo from a Chinese source, and their cost is around $800, and they will sell to whoever wants them for $999.

  2. SRM (Silly Rabbit Motorsport) buys these turbos for $1000 and sells them for $1500, and happily admits all over Audizine they are a cheap chinese knock-off (profit = $500). They do no testing, and are just battling to be the first to sell these turbos for a fat margin to the uneducated on audizine before everyone else does. They are trying to piggyback on the JHM product to lend themselves credibility (when they have NONE).

  3. Naudlee (projectB5) buys these turbos for $1000 from ARD and sells them for $1800, and happily admits all over Audizine they are a cheap chinese knock-off (profit = $800). They do no testing, and are just battling to be the first to sell these turbos for a fat margin to the uneducated on audizine before everyone else does. They are trying to piggyback on the JHM product to lend themselves credibility (when they have NONE).

  4. The JHM stuff is not sourced by ARD, is not made in China, and is not untested cheap crap. They have in fact been on JHM’s own and a ton of customer B5 S4s for 2 years now…racking up tens of thousands of miles of testing…and they have been revised a few times to improve areas of concern and to find the best design.

Both of those other guys are not businesses…they are drop shipping kids who have websites that look like they were made with Microsoft front page from 1999 (one of them looks like a fucking text based blog) and are trying to make a quick buck before everyone figures the whole thing out. In an effort to legitimize their product, they are inaccurately claiming they are ‘same as JHM’ as they know JHM puts their stuff through the ringer and has a great name that the forums trust.

All in all a great exercise. I joked with Count Vohn on the phone that this is penance for JHM for losing sight of the V8 revolution :slight_smile:

Just for fun, I dug around naudlee and itguy’s websites (silly rabbit and project b5). Check out the ‘contact us’ section.

Motherfucker if your business doesn’t even have a PHONE NUMBER or PHYSICAL ADDRESS…LET ALONE AN EMAIL…that is a gigantic red flag that you are just some fly by night b.s. drop shipping middleman fucking waste of binary code. If your tuning company’s ‘contact us’ is an online form you have to fill out, RUN THE FUCK AWAY!



Interesting and informative. Hopefully people will link to this thread on all audi forums.

Just read the whole AZ thread. Naudle needs a swift kick in the nuts.

I think AZ is filled with just plain fucking dumb asses that are lying around hopeing that no one has the ability that countvohn does.

AZ if filled with people that have no fucking clue and people that have been fooled so many times they are defencive of anything. Most of the people that are posting anti JHM stuff clearly haven even read this thread correctly as the thread clearly stated that JHM Via CV gave an opening to ARD. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND

I think we can all tell who is in bed with what side on AZ.

People want to think that every turbo is a 900$ turbo. People like Project and SRM get turbos from me and the people I work with. while Project on one hand says he isn’t, on the other hand he is saying that his distributor is cutting him off and its because of the JHM thing. Ok I have a quote of him saying that and thats because no one involved wants this kind of kid drama. ASK SRM Ill post his name and show you how he pay pal’ed me money thinking that he could get RS6r turbos from me and Ill show you how I sent the money back to him, because I get RS6r turbos from JHM.

The bashing zero Torrence is fucking stupid. He is a great guy and he will tell you 1000x and I think he has posted how I lashed out and made sure he mentioned that the turbos he has are RS6r JHM turbos. Zero contacted me looking for a GT turbo kit and I suggested the JHM Rs6r turbos due to them being one of the best street strip turbos ever. I also told him I could get him a low dollar turbo option if he wasn’t looking to push his motor. The low cost option would have been the Reps.

JHM from what I can tell has been nothing but honest. While Im flattered that people think JHM is getting turbos from me, Its not the case. We have a great relationship and they have been very helpful since vast sunk.

The story between me and JHM is simple. When VAST fell I needed a company to help sell the inlets and few other supporting parts I made. JHM was happy to jump in and help. From there JHM found the opening to offer me the opportunity to work on and have access to products and programs that they were not exploring. Its not that hard of a story.

The Crap talkers, These are the same clowns that spring to internet fame for causing drama but never uncovering anything but more drama. Its clear they have taken no time to read whats going on here as they can’t even get the facts right that there attempting to repute.

The key word is facts, as Ive seen so many times here. FACTS. These guys trying to ride the JHM fame with the RS6r turbos are not companys there just random guys who have found a link in one way or another to knock off turbos

here get them for cheaper

Fact is If you are smart enough to know the difference in a RS6 rep and the genuine Rs6r turbo you would be smart enough to know that you can’t even make the turbo for less then 2000 give or take. Still its easier for these guys to talk out there ass and use empty rhetoric then it is to actually know what there talking about…

^^ Great post and great to hear it from the source. Nice website BTW, no ambiguity there! “RS6-x chinese turbo”. It looks like a great turbo for the price.

Amazing the markup these clowns are trying to get. Often things look fancy on the surface, but scratch it a little bit and a lot of these “high profile” companies on AZ are just a website with the ability to drop ship with no actual stock.

What’s really sad is most of these guys on AZ are getting played by the scam artists. Stuff like balance wheel serial numbers are nothing new. Still the fact that CV has kept a close catalog on what serial numbers the Rs6r development has used for each turbo clearly has caught people attempting to fraud people.

All the turbos are not made in china. All the parts are not made in china. Most people are not looking past the fact that there are over 100 parts on a turbo.

Fact is I can take a 100% made in china turbo and a genuine BW turbo set them next to one another and 99% of people would never be able to tell the difference. So how in the world are these people going to be able to tell the difference in a JHM Rs6r turbo? well other then performance you have to take into consideration that JHM is a big business unlike the back yard drop shippers, then you need to take into consideration that JHM has built ths rs6r turbo to there specs. Most people don’t and wouldn’t under stand the specs and changes even if they were told.

As for the JHM and ARD are in bed. Sure we are. JHM has been kind enough to help take over the relationship that vast promised. CV was a founding member of VAST and CV got me in the door at vast, so when vast fell he helped me get in with JHM.

OMG china turbos these turbos are knock off turbos.



oh wait these are genuine S6 turbos. ACTUAL turbos… WAIT other then the fact that you can tell there welded they look A LOT LIKE THE CHINA KNOCK OFF TURBOS…wait again… is that green loctie… OMG didn’t someone on AZ say green loctite was only from china turbos…oh I guess not as these are genuine RS6 turbos… well wait…They look like china knock offs… wait I guess if you were to knock off a turbo its supposed to look like the original… Way is that so hard for people to get. The outside is going to look the same cause it has to. Its the guts and materials that make the turbo. I guess you kinda need to have common sense for that one.

Guys, I hear what a few of you have mentioned. I have and would advise jhm to not say or to respond. The only people that have an issue are the people that want to know more or to have “Proof” are people that will have to see past the attempts of others to washout the real facts. It’s clear as I have already shown that there are people in waiting to knock off what JHM already has now.

The same people who come in strong and call these factual posts “BS” are the same people who hide behind the internet.

Something to chew on, China, Asia, South Africa, India, Brazil, ECT didn’t wake up one day and figure out what parts, what waste gates, compressor housings, fittings and other changes were needed to put a RS6 turbo charger on a Audi 2.7T motor. Let’s remember were not talking about a RS6 knock off, were talking about a RS6 converted to fit on a 2.7T turbo.
If you were the guy, who first established contact and concepts on how to use a Rs6 turbo and then later realized that you should look to build an Rs6r turbo as BW wasn’t going to make that turbo forever and you knew making that turbo could be done for a acceptable cost, and you sent a turbo and spec sheet on what you needed to a few companies to get some casting and prototype work done, Chances are you would know a lot more than some random guy on the net.

People have to remember that the guys on AZ don’t know what they don’t know. The entire post and in some respects site is filled with people trying to fit stuff together that helps them feel better about how things like this work and come together. So when a guy says that post on AR is BS. Well sure, to them as they don’t know what they don’t know. There are all kinds of people that talk about all kinds of crazy stuff and try to sell it as fact. Yet they don’t have a hand in making sourcing parts or putting ANY turbo together.

You keep hearing a few guys say. “I did this, or I know this” ok, sure and given ground on what they know, their version of how this works will play out like they mentioned. Yet, do they know what has happened outside what they have done? no, there not able to talk outside what they know or what they have done, or even what their reference is.

Look at it like this, Someone had to get information and help people develop a turbo that would work on a 2.7T. Someone had to have a good idea on what they did and didn’t want when making a turbo. Someone had to do testing when it came to making a turbo that would last and hold up to the abuse. I can’t speak for everyone but I can say I personally know one guy that did. :wink:

There are always people that know and there are people who want to claim to know. Being able to figure out what one is what is where the truth is.

Yea CV said it best there…theres really no telling the guys over there that by any chance the turbos are different they all have in there heads that there the same and dont know or couldnt tell the difference from just copying something with cheap parts to putting time and development into the best part u could make