He never asked anyone to walk away, everything he says is a lie… It’s real simple… He came up to me and stuck his had out… Keep in mind this is after him talking about my fiancé, starting shit with me, posting where I live on audizine, and a long list of other ridiculous things. I don’t take any of that talk lightly, not personal attacks and comments about my future wife. So, he sticks his hand out like I’m going to shake it and brush off all the shit he has said to me. I just look at him, and ask him: “Give me a reason why I shouldn’t punch you in the face right now”. Long story short, he asks me to go aside to talk to him where the crowd can’t hear us, I don’t have any problem with that so we step aside. This must be what he claims he asked his friends to walk away, I can’t think of anything else even remotely close to that. Now the crowd can’t hear,he gives me this sop story about being picked on for this and that, how he drove by the hospital after my accident, how he isn’t serious when he talks shit, blah blah blah… It was getting dragged out and I was working on my car when he walked up and wanted to get back to loading the car and going to weld the axle like we did. So, I said whatever, lets not bump heads again, and that’s it. Next day, I come back with welded axles, roll out to a 12.0@130 with some ridiculous 60 to not test the weld yet. Second pass I go to send it and snap the weld, weekend over. At the end of the day he pulls his junk into the staging lanes, makes his buddy drive as a scapegoat, and the car runs a 14.XX at under 100mph, Im thinking 97 ish, I’m almost positive. We should have video’d it, but we were driving out at the time. This is the truth about what happened there, believe me or believe him. But there was plenty of people there, I know there was a Josh from Quattro world there and a few others. I won’t even get into detail on the personal attacks on me and my girl, him telling me to meet him to race him in a thread on audizine, then threatening to come to my house after posting where I live. I told him to come and in fact sat on my porch at midnight, for no damn reason of course. I was seriously confused and didn’t think he was talking to me when he posted in here because of the way things had transpired the last time we saw each other. But I guess he’s just that fucking stupid. If people don’t realize who is the problem, who is the moron, who is the troll, crook, low life, coward, whatever by now, then you probably never will. Frankly I’m fed up with his fucking bullshit, i’m definitely not wasting time on him thats for sure, but if we cross paths, then we’ll see what transpires this time around. Just like a fucking coward to need “security” or imply that his friends had weapons on them… Doesn’t surprise me one bit that he said that shit.
Let me first apologize for being a participant in this back and forth garbage on audirevolution. We are adults and I honestly never thought that smack talk about my car would result with a person threatening me. Like I said before, I don’t want to fight anyone, but it is obvious that I was threatened and I still tried to down play it by suggesting that the guy meet up with me, call, or pm me so that we could resolve this in a orderly fashion. know one wants to feel like they have to watch their back at all times in fear that someone in particular is gonna try to harm them. I sometimes travel with my childten, hence the reason I said lets meet up ASAP. I really don’t wanna have a problem with him, but it will be up to him to be a man and put this nonsense aside, as he is the one talking about harming me.
I haven’t thrown any personal attacks his way as I find that he is trying his best to get me upset, which is almost impossible. It just lets me know that, that particular person is hurting inside(missery loves company).
This is a forum about cars and when talking about cars, people trash talk each other at times. I don’t think it should go any further than that.
I know I am one of the best to do it, but why get mad at me? GOD GAVE ME THAT PARTICULAR SKILL.
You don’t remember threatening to kill him with a gun? Threatening that you know where he lives and that you’d show up at his house? For a guy who is anti violence you’re pretty confused.
Dude, at one point I gave you just a little respect, but now, I think you are half crazy. I have never ever threatened to do harm to anyone on any forum ever. I am will to bet you $100 that you can’t produce one quote that has me saying I wanted to hurt him, or kill him with a gun. Please no excuses. We can have the owner of the forum hold the money if you like. You can also have any corrupt member on any forum try to help you out. Matter fact can you please call my number. I would love to converse with you if you…
hahahahahahaha how the fuck did I miss this one???
Here’s faw and his security after tech inspection. Oops…forget the keys in the car. Either that or ‘oops…forgot that we need a car to race in. We’ll take this one.’
You are just upset because it took you almost 5 years to complete, what I did in 1 year. Did I also mention that my car was running and driving before yours and it is still up and running, unlike…
i can’t believe this coward is still here spitting lies. The best part is how he thinks his car is something to give a shit about. Like he accomplished anything anyone would even want to spend $4.99 on. I can go JB weld up a couple pipes and zip tie a turbo to any car in the world, but who wants to look like a complete moron besides him? The best is that we’re hating on him, I’m miserable, we’re jealous, he has any sort of skills… These are fucking classic lines right here. Tomorrow I want to wake up as a 120 lb ugly dirtbag with a closet full of orange and purple shirts, a piece of junk car that I managed to make slower than it was stock in my driveway, with nothing in my life worth a pile of dog shit!! You got me!! ;D
Justin, I’m gonna try to be the bigger man here, so please try to understand my reasoning. You have your car and I mine. I think that my car is the best ever built and you have the right to believe yours is better, if you wish, because it is yours.
For the past 3 days you have called me everything in the book and I have not once attacked you in such a way. I’m asking you to stop. Please stop, because I truly feel that if I start to call you names, you will act as if I’m attacking you without good reason. So again, please stop with the name calling. It is obvious that it is not bothering me. I don’t get upset easily. You of all people should know that. Please pm me your number, so that we can talk on the phone as men. This is my way of trying to reach out to you so that we can talk and put what ever is bothering you about me in the garbage. I really don’t wanna have a problem with you. call me please.
I love how I have gotten to see FAW change from a lame ass shit talker with a Pile of shit A4 to a guy trying to suck off Justin to make friends with the same pile of shit A4 he stole to begin with…
Dude fuck off already… You notice I havent even been talking to you? I’m not giving you my number, Im through talking to you. You had your chance time and time again. Since nothing has been said between us since waterfest, and in this thread you came back with your typical bullshit, lies and shit talking, I’m done with the talk. I have no interest in knowing people like you, so stay the fuck away from me… Is this not clear? Stay the fuck away from me, if you think you’re going to walk up and cry your way out of it this time, you got another thing coming. I’m not your average internet character, I will always back my words up in person, I’m sure you really know this by now, but are just too damn fucking dumb to keep your mouth shut. I dont think my car is the best, that’s just ignorant. But I’ll tell you one thing, it was built well, all fab work is top notch, there are no corners cut, and It will run numbers in a few months when it’s done and I have the time. Your car on the other hand just flat out sucks, the fab work sucks, it performs like ass, it looks like ass, It’s just a complete hunk of shit. I can’t imagine how you would even compare it to any of the cars you like to pick out. You’re nothing more than a shit talking, lying, dumb, troublemaker. So again, you can come back after stirring the pot once again, and try some nice guy act like anyone buys it. Thanks for being my biggest fan and always inquiring about me, and jocking my nuts. No go back under that rock you crawled out from under.
I tried my best to make friends with you, but you keep talking trash. Now let me tell you 1 truth about me. I love woman more than cars. I have 3 girlfriends and I’m about to go get my white girl, so that I can take her to the movies. She loves black guys and her favorite food is oven me.
If you feel that threatening me is good for your health, then continue. I honestly think that you need to chill out, before you end up hurting me. PLEASE THINK about what I said, because I honestly am starting to feel sorry for you.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! Just when I thought you couldn’t make yourself look like more of a jerk off. So in here we have, you threatening me with your home boyz and their gats, you talking about how great your piece of shit is when you’re the only person in the world who thinks that, now you’re talking about how many womens you be havin. Yo yo yo, I beez havin fiteen gurl fwends dawg, and dey all beez white because i love me the white women, and they be lovin mah dawggie style yo… Ya na mean sen… We bees goin to da movies, den we gonna grab a big gulp and head to mah crib yo. I luv me da white women, because they actually have jobs bee…
News flash motherfucker, any white girl who would take you serious is a nigger to me!!! That word has nothing to do with color moron… I have plenty of black friends, I’m far from racist… A nigger is a nigger, regardless of the color of their skin… Nigger: low life, scumbag, dirty, thieving, shit talking, broke ass clown… i.e. You and your womens yo!!! Is that copacetic son?
Feel bad for me all you want, I live the life you dream of…
Like I said before, I would like to be friends with you. I don’t want to fight. Violence is not my thing. My white girl told me that you may be on drugs after she read your last post. If you are on drugs, or something else please stop, because it is turning you into a fake black person. I’m pretty sure I’m right, because I couldn’t understand any thing you wrote.
I’m a real mechanic who works on cars and women, unlike plenty others who only try to do both, but can’t pull it off without outside help. I help myself and after last night, I decided to stay at her house and eat her for breakfast.
I hope I spelled your name right this time, I wouldn’t want you threaten to harm me again because I spelled it incorrectly again.
It is obvious that you are in competition with me, but I, not with you. All you do is try your best to down me. This has been going on for years. I really hope that you stop trying to impress people by acting like you can beat up everyone. You threatened me and I asked you, to meet up with me so that you could do what you stated. I offered to come to your house, or even meet on Northern blvd, so that you can do harm to me, or work things out. You then decided to call me names, rather than meet up, now you are saying I threatened you with a gun. I am not a fool, so please stop trying to convince yourself that I have ever threatened you, Because I have never. I tried on many occasions to put what ever is controlling you and taking over your positive thinking in the garbage. But for some strange reason like in the past, all you can think of is to fight and prove how tough you are. Grow up. You’ve been through a lot these past years, so why the hell do you need to involve yourself in anything that is not positive. I never threatened you, but if you feel the need to try and do me harm, do what ever you think is best. I’m tired of this back and fourth thing with you. You got me banned from audizine, even though it was you causing problems and threatening me like always, but they still got rid of me. Some of these audi forums are so corrupt. I’M TRYING MY BEST NOT TO GET KICKED OFf of this forum, but you are back trying to your old antics again.
I’m not gonna respond to anything else you say again in this thread, because you are the only person in this world who believes that they can talk trash. You also can’t take it when it is thrown back at you, without always wanting to fight.