This is why I’m not telling anyone that I am going to the strip on Wednesday for their Test N Tune between 7-11, with a track temp high of 23C and low of 17C! ;D
Well I’ve updated the map which seems to be good for 1-1.5psi of boost (V1 cold weather vs. V2 summer weather), upgrade the 100oct tune to 104oct, and added the CPS unit. The car feels fast! I assume it’s a combination of the upgraded tune plus the cooling properties of the CPS unit in the warm weather conditions that is causing this sensation.
In addition to the upgrades I’ve been doing some testing and in relatively warm weather I’ve had little to no wheel spin and haven’t hand any 1-2 shift delay. I guarantee the 1-2 shift delay is a result of wheel spin off the line so I wonder if my best times will be had with mild/cool weather where the wheels will hookup rather than cold weather where they spin and cause the 1-2 shift delay.
In any event I’d like to see how close I am to the 12.2 run I had, in very favourable condition, when we went in April vs. the warmer weather of August with the upgraded tune and CPS unit! Will See… Oh I’m might also pump in some race gas and see what that feels like… ;D
^^Nope not really Just listing the changes since April… My goal has always been 11.xx on pump… I just had them upgrade to 104 because the only time I would every run race gas would be at the track where it’s available. To tell you the truth I only added the 100 tune to see how my car would stack up to Ron’s as I don’t think well ever run on the same track same day. But I’ve been so focused on what it does on the 93 tune I haven’t really tried the race gas file, well other than the one time for about 45 mins with 100mph tailwind! lol!
p.s. when I was in Zurich in June, we got hit with a storm. I was stuck on a bridge taking photos, and by the time I ran and hid under it, I was COMPLETELY soaked and the wind started blowing. The winds hit 85 MPH/135 km/h and basically stayed at that level for ten-15 minutes (75-85). It was fucking terrifying. My wife panicked at one point and bolted. I grabbed her and stopped her. If she had run out she would have been blown into the river or blown into the road. It was impossible to handle the wind.
Afterwards there were trees down and patio furniture EVERYWHERE. It was nuts. An RS5 in my hotel parking lot got raped by a runaway patio umbrella lol.
by the time they reach us (extended family in Gloucester/Marblehead) they are weak so its fun to go play in them as they move in. Fly a kite, shoot fireworks, go sailing, all if it far more entertaining with mega winds lol
OK, this thread has taken some twists and turns… lol Back on topic… Pics of the brakes on the car… Had to delete the spacers and change bolts… Not a biggie… 17.2 stock - 11.6 = 5.6lbs savings… Comments/Questions let me know…
Saki, I honestly had the dealership install them as I couldn’t find the time and it was only 1 hour labor, plus I needed to talk to the GM about a few inbound vehicles… Anyway, from what they told me is that the spacers couldn’t sit flush, because the top of the hat is a smaller diameter… Now I haven’t taken them off to see for myself… I do remove the rims about every other wash to scrub them and wax them so I will do that this weekend or next and take some pics to show exactly the issue…
As for telling JHM I would prefer to have some pics first… Also, I was a little bummed with them on shipping, as they charged me for a 36lbs package that weighed 26lbs and made it a sign only delivery, which is a PITA as the wife and I usually aren’t home during the day… Also, the freight rate had extra cost built in and I hate when companies make money on the shipping… End rant… They do seem to work well and as you can see from the pictures are in fact the weight as advertised…
I just received my full set of JHM LW rotors and really hope the spacers do fit because Im running HR DRA 20/25mm.
“I don’t see why you would have an issue unless your spacers touch the bolts or don’t sit flush. I would test in a garage before putting eight on the car to see how they fit.” -Dru @ JHM
Prime, If your spacers are non-bolt on spacers most shops wont touch them due to a higher perceived risk of falling off. So they may have made an excuse to cover up that decision.