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Got my new LW rear rotors from JH Motorsports today… They weighed the 11.5-6 as advertised… Was going to put them on today but still not feeling the best and left my laptop at the office(need it for vagcom)… Will get them on soon though… Would prefer the same fastners as Brembo uses for the hat to the rotor but will see how these work… Little bummed I have to go to Pitt Sat. as it is supposed to be high 60’s and I would like to hit the strip… Oh well…

Yeah apparently they are zinc plated, but no word on the grade of bolt. They don’t really look like anything gr.8 or higher. Would have rather seen proper brake fasteners…but I don’t know what Brembo offers in terms of fixed (not floating) hardware and what fits the bolt hole with a reasonably tight tolerance.

Can’t wait to see the times from you boys (jspazz, PT) with these on - should be fun…

ill be coming back with a bang :wink:

OH you grabbed a revo tune?

p.s. creepy toe is creepy


WOW they look nice. I just looked on JHM’s site. 5.5 for the rear and 14.5 for the fronts. WOW that will deffinitly help your times Prime. That is a good amount of weight to not have to sling around. Did you get the fronts as well?

Grade8 can come in that color or configuration. To be honest tho… with 12bolts Grade8 isn’t even needed at that point. Its more a market gimmik then good spent money. For brake apps you would rather have a different grade… don’t remember off hand. Grade8 has no give. You want the same strength but a little give.


Flow, Yeah they are pretty nice, excited to install them this Sunday… I didn’t get the fronts as I have the 380mm Brembo BBK… Little heavier than the JHM rotors but I wanted a total solution and these weren’t available at the time anyway… The BBK is much lighter than the stockers as well even though the rotors are much larger… I made a post with pics and such on here if you want to see them…

;D ;D ;D ;D


I need to get my hands on a set of these!

yeah that’s fine
walk down the line (to california)
leave your rain and cold
trade for warm sunshine

lol cold and rain?! It’s been hotter than hell up here for the past three weeks! 30-35 Celsius!

Although this weekend is our big VAG do and it looks like it’s going to rain on the day of the drags ugh!

just generalizing about Vancouver…although I think you’re on the island aren’t you?

Those are the lyrics from an Alice in Chains song called No Excuses. I think it talks about them leaving Seattle for California for the music business.

LOL that makes sense now!

I’m in Vancouver proper.

Deets on the “VAG do”? My weekend cleared up so maybe I’ll go…

Deets can be found in this thread,62281.0.html

Starts this friday with the drags (although the weather is looking like crap)

Saturday, pancake breakfast + show-n-shine and at night show-n-shine

Sunday is the Show.

Lots of 'merican’s come up for this event, it’s not waterwerks but most people have a pretty good time. Check the PNW forum on vortex, usually people organize cruises and whatnot up.

I’ll try to make the drag races, that could be fun to watch… maybe even make a pass :o

Keep an eye on the weather for “mission, b.c.” and also the actual track site given the chance of rain they may call it.

Weather looks good so far… If I run a disappointing time though it’s likely that noone will ever know :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s the tuner way. You know how many tuners have promised to hit the strip…then never produced a timeslip?

Interestingly, almost every single instance I know about, the did go to the strip (or sent a customer) and buried the result when it was shit.

The trick is to NOT pre-announce that you’re going…find out if your shit works…then post about it if it’s great, and fix it if it’s disappointing. Then try again. This whole game though is pretty silly. The same rules should apply to guys like us. That’s what I did the first time. I didn’t start a big thread about it in advance. I just showed up on a chilly November morning at the local (and by local, I mean 40 miles away lol) dragstrip, paid my $30, and ripped off a dozen passes. Fortunately I was JHM tuned so I had pretty good confidence going in knowing the stuff had been proven by other drivers but it was still nice to do it quietly, then post about it after.

Lol that’s the exact advice I was given at the beginning of the year by a friend “don’t tell anyone you’re going, not even me. Take EVERYTHING out of the car… something about unplugging the maf and resetting the ecu…”

I just hope my slip doesn’t blow out the window when I run a low 14sec pass.