lulz on other forums (current, not classics)

Lmao bro seriously? Wtf? Who else got ban-hammered? I haven’t been following those threads.

Slow you were the most entertaining in those threads. I enjoyed reading your posts the past 2 days.

I have no clue…all I know is I ended up getting banned while those two particular threads remained open and active. I PM’d the moderator that gave me all three and tried to appeal the decision. I guess he wasn’t having any of it.

If you want, I can post the “Meow means ‘MEOW!’” mock thread that resulted in both my warning AND infraction, I believe it’s suitable for this thread.

Haha, thanks. I’m glad I brought a smile to a readers face.

Straight up banned? Or suspended?

I went from 0 to 2pts within several hours. I think at 4pts, you get perma-banned soooo temporary suspension for a week?

I’m really not sure how long my temp-ban is.

Sorry to see, slow. On the bright side, there’s really only one true Audi forum, and you’re in very good standing here. :wink:

Yeah I think you just got slapped by the ban-hammer hand and not actually perma-banned. Let me guess Stubek?

I don’t get it. You’re a member from 2007 and contributed quite well in both B5 and especially B6/7 S4 sections and yet you get this treatment. Where these pathetic delusional trolls that just joined 2-3 years ago and dump mounts on profanity in the open in different sections on decently respected members and haven’t contributed jack shit to a community, they don’t even get as much as a slap on a wrist. I guess this is where AZ is headed very shortly unless Anthony steps in and actually would do something about it. Unbelievable!


In the past year, Stubek is the one that has issued me more warnings/infractions than any of the other mods; if you look at the screenshot, I received two warnings and an infraction, all by Stubek within 2015 followed by the whatever ban. On the last two warnings/infraction I sent him a PM each time to appeal it as they did NOT violate any of the AZ regs/rules but he wasn’t having any of it.

It’s like if I were to respond to a call, where two guys are aggressively arguing loudly and shoving each other. Upon me pulling up, I see guy A push guy B and guy B returning the shove, both still visibly arguing. I then go over and arrest guy B even though I KNOWINGLY saw guy A do the pushing. If I were to bring guy B into the magistrate and charge him with assault, not only would I be laughed out of the magistrates office but my credibility, in the eyes of my sergeant would be gone because of the bad arrest.

The “correct” way to deal with this is to mediate and step in between guy A and B (possibly do a little investigating, attitude permitting), order them BOTH to vacate the premises and go separate ways to avoid further conflict with each other. Any senior officer would keep it simple and exercise their discretion on how to handle these matters without exercising their authoritative powers to arrest; I call this smart policing. Stubek, however doesn’t abide by this and doesn’t care for the context of the posts in its entirety but instead focuses on ONE specific post; it’s terrible moderating in my opinion. As a moderator, you have to be objective and fair, which isn’t the case here.

And you’re right, since 2007, I have been an active member on Audizine. I’ve contributed positively to the B5/6/7 S/RS forums, the Avant section and a few DIY technical forums. I’ve helped organize local GTGs, big and small. I’ve also help organize several big H2Oi GTGs for various forum members nationwide…basically, whatever was positive in the local aspect concerning Audi’s I was happy to jump in and help out.

It’s whatever bro, eight years helping build a community around these cars and then these fucking yahoos come in, huffing and puffing their bullshit about a member on baseless facts and speculation but IM the bad guy for being real?!? For making a mockery of their bullshit?!? For calling out one of the yahoos and pegging them as a “bitch”?!

Get the fuck outta here with that noise!



For shits and giggles, the "Meow means ‘MEOW’ mock thread I created and reposted in that censorship thread…have a few chuckles at my expense:

Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha this is gold and spot on man! Nailed it!

I will say, slow had me rolling in that thread.

gold no question…

Slow and the rest of us. Its time to just start pming people over on AZ and getting them to come over here. We all helped build that website and it seems there is more worries about trolling then actually getting good solid facts out there.

I will say, slow had me rolling in that thread.

gold no question…

Slow and the rest of us. Its time to just start pming people over on AZ and getting them to come over here. We all helped build that website and it seems there is more worries about trolling then actually getting good solid facts out there.

Arin@APR is dodging direct questions and when he replies to what he picks and chooses to touch on his posts are quite passive aggressive. In the mean while Flying Trollmatoes is foaming out of his mouth trying to reply to those questions directed at official APR sales rep with some bullshit answers and downplaying the issue once again. Quite typical of that troll. I had a good chuckle:

I really don’t get why FlyingFuckface just lies directly to pump APR. you couldn’t pay me enough or give me enough free parts to be that dishonest to the general public for years. I just don’t see the end game. Say you got a blower half price. Great, so now you lie for years, ruin friendships and loose integrity all over a stupid car part that is trivial and worthless a couple years later?

I dunno. Just a different mindset I guess.

That conversation really isn’t that tough. It doesn’t need to be deceptive. APR’s kit is a fine choice (relatively) but don’t expect to pass emissions in several places and never expect to pass if you’re catless, even though most every other catless tuned car will.

Dude he is a paid advertiser, that is why he lies. Take one fucking glance at his instagram. He gets shit from all of these companies for being a whore. (APR, Boden, RSworx, ADV1…) he even fucking posted on AZ on a Boden account, did you ever see that?

He can’t ever be honest because these companies fucking own him and his car. It’s pathetic. If he enjoys that, good for him, but his words can never be trusted and if idiots do trust him then they deserve what they get!

He flip flops usernames more than they do pancakes at IHOP for breakfast.

Different breed for sure.

lol he was promoting the APR B8 S4 kit on his instagram the other day and giving shout outs to redline etc for purchases. Only problem was

  1. it’s not an APR kit anymore, it’s a magnusson kit
  2. the kit in the video isn’t even the one that magnusson is making/selling

redline I believe is the shop that pulled his engine out after he killed it leading up to waterfest or h20 last year . Remember they posted a pic of his car with no engine in it, then quickly deleted it. He claimed they were changing a sparkplug.


Wish someone saved the pic